[erlang-questions] Distributed Applications: Stop Before Start?

Vance Shipley vances@REDACTED
Thu Mar 29 08:28:13 CEST 2012

On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 05:10:31PM +0530, Vance Shipley wrote:
}  The snmp:start/0,1 snmp:start_agent/0,1 and application:start/1,2 functions
}  don't behave as a supervisor requires.  There is an appropriate start
}  function in snmpa_supervisor:start_master_sup/1 however then the snmp 
}  application is not listed with application:which_applications/0.

I did implement this, and it seems to work well.  I am listing snmp in
my application's included_applications key and starting the snmpa_supervisor 
from it's top level supervisor.  When Appname:start({takeover, Node}, []) is
called I use supervisor:terminate_child({AppName, Node}, AppSupName, Id) to
stop the snmp agent at the old node.


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