[erlang-questions] update erlang shell prompt dynamically

Robert Virding robert.virding@REDACTED
Mon Jul 30 17:02:01 CEST 2012

There is no trick, it can't be done.

The shell sends off a request to read an erlang expression, this requests contains the prompt. The io-system prints this prompt at the start of every line entered for that input. It is not possible to change the prompt in the middle of a read request.

The reason it is done this is to be able to sensibly handle concurrent io-requests, each request behaves as an atomic transaction.


----- Original Message -----
> Hello,
> I would like to use a custom prompt inside the erlang shell.
> To do it, I defined the following environment variable for stdlib :
> {shell_prompt_func,{my_module,my_prompt}}. It works fine !
> In my prompt definition, I set the number of nodes inside the
> cluster.  The prompt is updated only when I type something in the
> shell.
> ¤ TOTO[titi@REDACTED](cluster_wait)::> blabla().
> ** exception error: undefined shell command blabla/0
> ¤ TOTO[titi@REDACTED]:3/3::>
> How could I refresh the prompt when I push "enter" in the shell ?  I
> didn't find the trick.
> Thank you for your help.
> wde
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