[erlang-questions] client in erlang server in objective C

Joe Armstrong erlang@REDACTED
Wed Jul 18 10:10:39 CEST 2012

That's a very interesting idea. I haven't used thrift - but if the server
side code exists in Objective C this would be very interesting.

(I tried to build thrift but the build failed :-)

I've now actually got an erlang client talking to an objective C
server - using AsnycSocket that Bob suggested but I can only exchange strings.

Now I need to figure out how to do build dynamic method calls in objective C.

In objective C I'd write

     [button setTitle:@"click me"]

In Erlang I'd like to encode this as a string
send it to objective C decode it and evaluate it.

I'd like to do something like

    send("button", "setTitle", [{string,"click me"}])

In erlang

   or to encode   [foo this:123 that:@"yea"] as

   send("foo", "this:that", [{integer,123},{string,"yea"}])

Then I'd like to serialize this as a string (in Erlang) and decode it
and evaluate it in Objective C

    Any ideas how to do this?


On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 11:48 PM, Anthony Molinaro
<anthonym@REDACTED> wrote:
> What about thrift http://thrift.apache.org/
> It's RPC style so you describe function calls, erlang clients are easy,
> the objective-c server would be generated for you (other than the
> body of the function).
> I've been using thrift to talk java->erlang and erlang->java, so
> talking erlang->objective-c should be straightforward.
> Some examples http://wiki.apache.org/thrift/ThriftUsageObjectiveC
> -Anthony
> On Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 06:27:49PM +0200, Joe Armstrong wrote:
>> I want the following:
>>    - Client in erlang (easy)
>>   - Server in objective C (I'm thinking Mac OS-X lion - xcode 4.2 - cocoa)
>>   -  socket communication
>> [[ I'm a complete beginner with xcode/objective C ]]
>> Has anybody written a simple objective C client that opens a port
>> waits for a message then executes a callback. This should be non-blocking
>> and be integrated with the "standard" dispatcher top-loop.
>> I'm confused by the profusion of classes that almost do this.
>> Has anybody implemented this, or have pointers to a good place to start.
>> Cheers
>> /Joe
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Anthony Molinaro                           <anthonym@REDACTED>

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