[erlang-questions] Ling: Erlang over Xen, no OS required

Viktor Sovietov victor.sovetov@REDACTED
Fri Jul 13 15:26:46 CEST 2012

On 13 Лип, 15:20, JD Bothma <jbot...@REDACTED> wrote:
> Probably a silly question but...
> How does networking work without an OS? Do you just assign an
> interface in Xen that Ling knows how to manage directly? Is Ling

Both TCP/IP stack and filesystem are accessible by 9P protocol over
Xen's virtual Ethernet. It's quite efficient, since it uses zero-copy
scheme to pass pages to dom0. In dom0 we run resource re-export server
that maps network and filesystems to Ling instances. That part is
still far away from being optimal, but it'll improve in near future.

> 'basically' the standard VM with this and other facilities that the OS
> would provide hacked on?

Ling uses only basic mechanisms of resource management which are
necessary to compile and run Erlang code. All of the are much easier
than their analogs in major OSes, because there is no need to share
resources with other processes. Everything which can be externalized
is served by dom0 services and the hypervisor itself.

> Why does Ling mean "no more out of memory crashes"? How does Ling deal
> with using up its allocated memory?

It's well-known BEAM's disadvantage to behave inadequately when OOM
happened. Ling has predictable behavior when all memory is gone and
able to sort out things even in such tough conditions.

> Sounds cool! Is it open source?

That's still under consideration. In any case, binaries will be
accessible soon.

> JD
> On 13 July 2012 09:30, Viktor Sovietov <victor.sove...@REDACTED> wrote:> Ling is highly compatible (with R15B) Erlang VM that is capable to run
> > over bare virtual iron on Xen hypervisor without the need in
> > underlying operating system.
> > Learn more on :http://erlangonxen.org/
> > There are similar projects for OCaml  http://www.openmirage.org/
> > and Haskellhttp://halvm.org/
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