[erlang-questions] Looking for slides of a lightning talk
Tilman Holschuh
Thu Jul 12 01:14:42 CEST 2012
Wouldn't it be nice to have an Erlang "wishlist"? Or does that exist
For next year's Spawnfest there was a proposal to collect ideas to make
it easier for teams to pick a project. Maybe efforts could be unified?
- Tilman
On 12-07-11 03:47 AM, Thomas Lindgren wrote:
>> Ok, just the slides are here: http://www.slideshare.net/dmitriid/erlang-sucks-euc-2012 (you can download them there as well)
>> A PDF with some notes is here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/99721085/Erlang-Sucks-EUC-2012
>> Notes isn't as good as talking in from of the audience, but oh well...
> Funny talk, my take aways were these:
> 1. Too few dedicated erlang web programmers, so still a lot of DIY. This may be a bootstrapping/community issue. Which is nontrivial, by the way.
> 2. Packages: Let me gripe a bit. At work, we've had endless trouble with Ruby gems, some hair tearing with CPAN, and have spent a couple of man years on packaging for RH and Debian. The whole process is still pretty clunky and hacky. So not a solved problem in the rest of the world either IMO and the erlang way has some advantages. But I agree that more love is needed to catch up, especially on usability.
> 3. Image handling: I assume these image processing packages ultimately are wrappers for C/C++. At Diino, our next release (thanks Erik) will be using RabbitMQ to a collection of erlang workers that (ahem) invoke PIL through ports to generate thumbnails. Well, it's erlang much of the way ...
> NB: Writing efficient image code in erlang would be a sort of interesting project, even if it's reinventing the wheel. At this stage, probably mostly inspiration to those interested in compilers though.
> Best,
> Thomas
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