[erlang-questions] How would you do it?
Francesco Mazzoli
Mon Jul 2 13:06:05 CEST 2012
At Mon, 2 Jul 2012 14:29:32 +0400,
Max Bourinov wrote:
> 1. I have to rank about 50 000 - 100 000 different players.
> 2. On each score message I have to re-sort whole ranking table.
> 3. It must be very cheap to get:
> 1. top 100 players
> 2. player's rating +/- 10 players about current player
> 4. I expect about 20-50 score messages per seconds
> 5. Size of score message is about 4KB (profile takes most of the space).
> Any ideas or suggestions are welcome!
A priority search queue will fit your bill. You can to 2 in and 3.1 in
logarithmic time, and 3.1 in constant time.
I'm not aware of an Erlang implementation, here is an Haskell module
with link to a paper with implementation details:
http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/PSQueue/1.1/doc/html/Data-PSQueue.html .
If you know some Haskell, this is an - untested - stub that will do
what you want:
import Data.PSQueue as PSQ
type Ranking = PSQ Player Score
newRanking :: Ranking
newRanking = PSQ.empty
updateScore :: Player -> Score -> Ranking -> Ranking
updateScore player score rank =
case PSQ.lookup player rank of
Nothing -> PSQ.insert player score rank
Just score' -> let score'' = magic to get new score
in PSQ.insert player score'' rank
topNPlayers :: Int -> Ranking -> [Player]
topNPlayers n = take n . PSQ.toDescList
worsePlayers :: Player -> Int -> Ranking
-> Maybe [Binding Player Score]
worsePlayers player n rank =
case PSQ.lookup player rank of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just score -> Just (take n (PSQ.atMost score rank))
For some reason you don't have the dual of `atMost' which returns the
items with a priority *greater* then the one given. I'd be surprised
if you can't implement that.
Francesco * Often in error, never in doubt
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