[erlang-questions] Stringified integer with leading zeroes

Avinash Dhumane avinash@REDACTED
Wed Jan 25 15:30:09 CET 2012

How to get an integer 123 as 10-char long string "0000000123" with leading zeroes, i.e. erlang term [48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 49, 50, 51]?

Following is not what I expect! I tried with both ~B and ~s.

$ erl

Erlang R14B02 (erts-5.8.3) [source] [smp:2:2] [rq:2] [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.8.3  (abort with ^G)
1> io_lib:fwrite("~B", [123]).
2> io_lib:fwrite("~s", ["123"]).
3> io_lib:fwrite("~5B", [123]).
[["  ",49,50,51]]
4> io_lib:fwrite("~5..0B", [123]).
5> io_lib:fwrite("~5..0s", ["123"]).
6> io_lib:fwrite("~5.5.0s", ["123"]).
7> io_lib:fwrite("~8..0B", [123]).
8> io_lib:fwrite("~8..0s", ["123"]).
9> io_lib:fwrite("~8.8.0s", ["123"]).
10> io_lib:fwrite("~10..0B", [123]).
11> io_lib:fwrite("~10.10.0s", ["123"]).
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