[erlang-questions] OTP-9649 and further changes

Valentin Micic v@REDACTED
Thu Jan 19 07:47:09 CET 2012

Really sorry for rewinding this conversation back a bit, but I am getting a bit confused...
So, let me ask explicitly: is the following syntax going to be valid going forward (e.g. R16 onwards):
> Eshell V5.9  (abort with ^G)
> 1> erlang:length([1,2,3]).
> 3
> 2> M = erlang.
> erlang
> 3> M:length([1,2,3]).
> 3

...or  would we be required to replace the above with:

67> F=fun erlang:length/1.

68> F([1,2,3]).           

Kind regards,


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