[erlang-questions] Ho to keep-alive inactive RabbitMQ connections?

Max Bourinov bourinov@REDACTED
Wed Apr 25 13:16:15 CEST 2012

Hi Bob,

I have 1 to 1 architecture as you described. It works fine! But I cannot
understand how it is possible that RabbitMQ client process loses connection
WITHOUT crash? It just ABSOLUTELY silently loses connection and I know
about it from RabbitMQ management interface only.

This is very strange... This is why I asked the List.

Best regards,

On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 1:49 PM, Bohuslav Svancara <bsvancara@REDACTED>wrote:

> Yes. Connection is closed if a heartbeat pulse does not arrive.
> You need to open connection again.
> The best way (I think)  is to let module crash and its supervisor will
> restart (and reconnect) it.
> I have "topRabbitSupervisor", which starts "rabbitConnection" module.
> rabbitConnection module opens connection and starts amqp subscribers which
> use this open connection.
> If any of amqp subscribers lose a connection (heartbeat did not arrive) it
> crashes, crash propagates to topRabbitSupervisor and
> topRabbitSupervisor restarts rabbitConnection which restarts all
> subscribers then.
> It seems it works fine.
> Bob
> Dne 25. dubna 2012 8:40 Max Bourinov <bourinov@REDACTED> napsal(a):
> Hi Tilman!
>> I have it! It is 5 seconds in my case.
>> *{ok, Connection} = amqp_connection:start(*
>> *        #amqp_params_network{*
>> *            host = "localhost",*
>> *            username = <<"guest">>,*
>> *            password = <<"guest">>,*
>> *            port = 5672,*
>> *            virtual_host = <<"/">>,*
>> *            heartbeat = 5*
>> *        }),*
>> Still dropping connections...
>> Best regards,
>> Max
>> On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 10:36 AM, Tilman Holschuh <
>> tilman.holschuh@REDACTED> wrote:
>>> Hi Max,
>>> Check out AMQP heartbeat.
>>> Cheers
>>> - Tilman
>>> On 2012-04-24, at 11:26 PM, Max Bourinov wrote:
>>> > Hi Erlangers,
>>> >
>>> > I use forked RabbitMQ client: https://github.com/jbrisbin/amqp_client
>>> >
>>> > While testing it I noticed that if connection is not active for some
>>> hours it becomes closed. Interesting thing is that my Erlang app doesn't
>>> show any crashes or error messages. SASL is enabled, process that holds
>>> connection is under supervision.
>>> >
>>> > Does anybody know how RabbitMQ client must be configured to keep
>>> connection alive all the time?
>>> >
>>> > Best regards,
>>> > Max
>>> >
>>> >
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