[erlang-questions] A plead to use tags (or equivalent in your SCM system)

JD Bothma jbothma@REDACTED
Wed Apr 25 11:39:18 CEST 2012

I think, at the very least, if you write something with rebar
dependencies and the dependency repos aren't tagged, just use the hash of
the change you're testing on. That's exactly the version that you
believe to work.

Sure, it's even better if everyone tags, they're more meaningful (I
didn't even read about semantic versioning), but at the very least, I
wouldn't want to end up with a moving target on some nested dependency
just because one of my dependencies depend on someone else's master

You don't need to fork to have a stable dependency, you just use

{deps, [{openid, ".*", {git,
"https://github.com/brendonh/erl_openid.git", "ed8688d"}}]}.

instead of

{deps, [{openid, ".*", {git,
"https://github.com/brendonh/erl_openid.git", "master"}}]}


On 25 April 2012 11:30, Torben Hoffmann <torben.lehoff@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hi!
> I might be a bit paranoid, but after loosing half a day due to an "update"
> to a dependency given with {branch, "master"} I have resorted to the
> following approach: I fork all the dependencies so that I am in control if I
> cannot get a proper tag from the dependency itself.
> This means that:
> I control when to take in new stuff.
> I can add my own tags to ease upgrades.
> If the author removes his repo I still have access to the source.
> The main problem is that version numbering is not so popular these days -
> what's the point when you have a sha?
> Well, it harder to say intelligent things about the magnitude of a change
> from looking at the sha compared to a version number that follows semantic
> versioning (semver.org).
> With semantic versioning you know that a change to the major number will -
> at the very least - require serious investigation before you can be sure
> that your code with work with the updated dependency. And so on.
> It is actually easy to do semver with git - just tag your code.
> But easy is not enough to get people to do this. Unfortunately.
> I am of the opinion that it becomes easier to re-use software that uses
> semver - you get some info from the version number and people that takes the
> time to do proper semver knows about software maintenance, which speaks
> volumes for their code.
> Cheers,
> Torben
> On 24/4/12 21:43 , Heinz N. Gies wrote:
> Hi I've noticed that a lot of libraires depend on bleeding edge data I kind
> of find that disturbing it makes maintaining a stable environment close to
> impossible since one never knows
> what I mean are lines like this:
> {alog, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/siberian-fast-food/alogger.git",
> {branch, "master"}}}
> now if the alogger people push a breaking change your application breaks
> when depending on it, even worst if you don't even use alogger yourself but
> a library you use uses it a change in alogger would break your application
> without you having direct influence on it :(.
> So what I'd love to ask people who maintain libraries is use dependencies
> that have a fixed version and tag your own versions so people can do the
> same when using your stuff - please?
> Regards,
> Heinz
> PS: I just choose alogger as an example since it was the first I found - I
> love the thing :)
> --
> Heinz N. Gies
> heinz@REDACTED
> http://licenser.net
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