[erlang-questions] Push a message to cowboy websockets
Loïc Hoguin
Sat Apr 7 16:23:36 CEST 2012
Broadcast to all the clients and discard the message you receive in
websocket_info if it's coming from you, by attaching your Pid on the
message broadcasted and matching on it for example.
On 04/07/2012 04:13 PM, Barco You wrote:
> Hi Magnus,
> Thank you very much!
> Then, if broadcasting to all other clients except self, how to do it with
> gproc?
> Regards,
> Barco
> On Sat, Apr 7, 2012 at 10:02 PM, Magnus Klaar<magnus.klaar@REDACTED>wrote:
>> Hi!
>> This is the line where the crash is occuring at: {reply, {text,
>> <<Msg>>}, Req, State, hibernate}. The last message in was: {<0.113.0>,
>> {websocket_handler, "broadcast"},<<"hello server!">>} Where Msg is bound to
>> the<<"hello server!">> term in the message. The<<Msg>> expression
>> attempts to pack this binary as a one-byte value which will not work.
>> Remove the<<>>-s around Msg and you should be good to go. I also don't see
>> why you have defined the ?BC macro/constant as a string, an atom would
>> suffice.
>> TLDR; replace {reply, {text,<<Msg>>}, Req, State, hibernate}.
>> with {reply, {text, Msg}, Req, State, hibernate}.
>> MVH Magnus
>> On Sat, Apr 7, 2012 at 3:50 PM, Barco You<barcojie@REDACTED> wrote:
>>> Hi AD,
>>> I also tried to implement a websocket broadcast as you did in this mail.
>>> but I got crash in websocket_info as following. Could you please show me
>>> your complete code? thanks!
>>> my code is:
>>> websocket_init(_Any, Req, []) ->
>>> gproc:reg({p, l,{?MODULE, ?BC}}),
>>> Req2 = cowboy_http_req:compact(Req),
>>> {ok, Req2, undefined, hibernate}.
>>> websocket_handle({text, Msg}, Req, State) ->
>>> broadcast(Msg),
>>> {reply, {text,<< "You said: ", Msg/binary>>}, Req, State,
>>> hibernate};
>>> websocket_handle(_Any, Req, State) ->
>>> {ok, Req, State}.
>>> websocket_info({_Pid, {_Module, ?BC}, Msg}, Req, State) ->
>>> {reply, {text,<<Msg>>}, Req, State, hibernate}.
>>> broadcast(Msg) ->
>>> gproc:send({p, l, {?MODULE, ?BC}}, {self(), {?MODULE, ?BC}, Msg}).
>>> ** Handler websocket_handler terminating in websocket_info/3
>>> for the reason error:badarg
>>> ** Message was {<0.113.0>,{websocket_handler,
>>> "broadcast"},<<"hello server!">>}
>>> ** Options were []
>>> ** Handler state was undefined
>>> ** Request was [{socket,#Port<0.940>},
>>> {transport,cowboy_tcp_transport},
>>> {connection,keepalive},
>>> {pid,<0.113.0>},
>>> {method,'GET'},
>>> {version,{1,1}},
>>> {peer,undefined},
>>> {host,undefined},
>>> {host_info,undefined},
>>> {raw_host,<<"localhost">>},
>>> {port,80},
>>> {path,undefined},
>>> {path_info,undefined},
>>> {raw_path,<<"/websocket">>},
>>> {qs_vals,undefined},
>>> {raw_qs,<<>>},
>>> {bindings,undefined},
>>> {headers,[]},
>>> {p_headers,[]},
>>> {cookies,[]},
>>> {meta,[{websocket_version,13}]},
>>> {body_state,waiting},
>>> {buffer,<<>>},
>>> {resp_state,done},
>>> {resp_headers,[]},
>>> {resp_body,<<>>},
>>> {urldecode,{#Fun<cowboy_http.urldecode.2>,crash}}]
>>> ** Stacktrace: [{websocket_handler,websocket_info,3,
>>> [{file,"src/websocket_handler.erl"},{line,39}]},
>>> {cowboy_http_websocket,handler_call,7,
>>> [{file,"src/cowboy_http_websocket.erl"},{line,389}]}]
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Loïc Hoguin
Erlang Cowboy
Nine Nines
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