[erlang-questions] how to flush a gen_tcp socket on close?
Tony Rogvall
Fri Apr 6 16:01:28 CEST 2012
On 6 apr 2012, at 12:39, Per Hedeland wrote:
> Matthias Lang <matthias@REDACTED> wrote:
>> On Tuesday, April 03, Andreas Schultz wrote:
>>> In my case the receiver is to slow to process all the data, sender
>>> does 10k packets of 1k size, the receiver only gets the first 2000
>>> packets. It might well be that I hit the close timeout and inet
>>> discards the rest of the send queue.
>> Ok, that's something to go on.
> And I note that we have moved from the initial suspicion of "buffered
> data is not flushed out, but simply discarded" to an observation of the
> flushing doing a less than stellar job in specific circumstances. But
> I'll admit to being unaware that it did such a bad job in circumstances
> that aren't extremely unusual. Those circumstances being roughly "our
> sending is so far ahead of the receiver's consumption of data that a)
> the TCP window is closed, b) the kernel-level socket send buffer is
> full, and c) inet_drv has written data into its user-level queue".
I had to do some digging myself to realize the same fact :-)
>> I had a bit of a dig in prim_inet.erl. It sounds like you've looked
>> there too. That code looks like it's intended to loop 'forever' trying
>> to send the queued data, as long as some progress is made every so often
>> (always sends at least something in every 5s timeout period). But running
>> my program suggests that isn't happening as intended.
> Yes, that code looks sort-of reasonable (modulo the bug you possibly
> found), but it isn't really. I think we want to define "progress" as
> "the receiver read *something* off his end of the connection". But the
> check for progress is the size of the user-level queue, i.e. c) above,
> and that is pretty far removed from this definition of progress: Reading
> of data is not immediately reflected in opening of the TCP window (see
> "silly window syndrome" - this is true for any non-broken TCP
> implementation), and sending of data from the socket send buffer, once
> the window *has* opened, may not immediately trigger poll(POLLOUT) (this
> is true at least for the Linux version I experimented with, but is
> probably common) - and this is what is required for the user-level queue
> to shrink.
That is pretty much what I found as well.
> Finally, requiring progress at all is a rather arbitrary decision. We
> might want to keep trying as long as we have evidence that the receiver
> is even alive and possibly willing to read more at some point in the
> future. This is what TCP/kernel does when you close(2) the OS-level TCP
> socket with unsent data - even if the TCP window remains closed, it will
> retain the buffer and keep sending window probes, as long as those
> probes elicit ACKs from the other end. In fact this behavior is pretty
> much spelled out in the venerable RFC 793, so it could be argued that
> gen_tcp violates the TCP spec when it "gives up" on the close.
Maybe reading some stats about the socket to mimic the TCP behavior is
needed then?
>>> The fix should be simple, limit the send queue size.
>> To what?
>> Zero seems to be the only value that will work even for arbitrarily slow
>> clients. And that defeats the point of having a send queue.
> Exactly - which raises the question, what *is* the point of having a
> send queue? I.e. the user-level queue that inet_drv maintains, and which
> is causing these problems. I don't know, but since Tony has joined the
> discussion, maybe he can answer.:-)
I remember us hacking a proxy more that 10 years ago, then we had to tweak sndbuf size
inorder to keep Windows not killing buffers with RST.Iif I remember correctly we also had
to keep a low memory footprint per connection in order to have plenty of them.
(too many dialup clients at that time)
Remember that inet_drv is not only used by gen_tcp but is also used by distribution.
The internal port queues are a great place to push stuff when you should be blocking,
but are not really ready to do that yet :-)
To push wouldblock back to Erlang could be a way of handling the problem
and let Erlang get the POLLOUT signal etc. But WE did not design it that way :-)
Plenty of history around the inet_drv, not saying it is doing the correct thing or even close
but it is an explanation.
>> It's late, I might have outsmarted myself, but my current feeling is
>> that erlang is quietly tossing data and it shouldn't be.
> I agree.
>> Waiting for as long as it takes in close() seems like the right thing,
>> though Per might disagree.
> Well, as I wrote earlier, I don't expect close() to block until all data
> is sent - in fact I don't expect it to block at all. We already have a
> potentially-blocking send() call, with an optional timeout even (unlike
> close()), why shouldn't that be enough? Your suggestion should get the
> job done, but it would block until the user-level queue has drained,
> which may in principle be forever.
While data is queued in user land and some stop the node (init:stop or ^C ...)
This data will be discarded, while if data made it into kernel it will not,
I do not see how this can be fixed (except using queues in user land)
>> Waiting for N seconds in close() and then
>> returning an error if the queue didn't empty would also be better than
>> just quietly tossing it.
> Maybe - but when you close(2) the OS-level socket (without SO_LINGER),
> you are anyway saying that you don't want to be informed about the final
> outcome, and if the receiver dies before reading all the data, you won't
> be told. I don't think it makes a lot of sense to inform specifically
> about the failure to drain the user-level queue - it might even give the
> false impression that you will always be told about failures.
>> (And: yes, I know, application-level ACKs would avoid this
>> problem. But I'm not quite ready to say that this problem can't be
>> fixed.)
> I'm tempted to refer to the FAQ entry about Erlang message passing where
> you quote other ramblings of mine - how much reliability do you want?
> If someone's life depends on the receiver consuming all the data and
> acting on it, you'd better have application-level ACKs despite the fact
> that TCP (like Erlang message passing) is "reliable". If it's just a
> question about whether a jpeg gets displayed in a web browser, probably
> not.
> But it's reasonable to expect that if the networks, hosts, and
> applications keep running, and the user doesn't close the tab in his
> browser, that jpeg *should* eventually be displayed in full even if the
> user is on a slow dialup and the sender has long since completed his
> close() call and gone on to other business (or even called it a day).
> gen_tcp:close/1 doesn't meet this expectation.
> --Per
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