[erlang-questions] Erlang based Web Stack

Toby Thain toby@REDACTED
Thu Apr 5 13:57:02 CEST 2012

On 05/04/12 3:17 AM, Kannan wrote:
> Thanks guys, that is a lot of input.
> How is the support of OTP for multimedia content manipulation,
> transcoding etc? Or you advice to do it at the C level and communicate
> it to Erlang?
> Also, if someone has already invented the wheel of how good Erlang is
> compared to PHP, please share it with us.

Erlang and PHP cannot really be directly compared; they solve different 

PHP is a basic web templating system with OO bolted on.

Erlang is a sophisticated modern language and runtime with extraordinary 
scaling capability, and built-in distribution mechanisms.

Their sweet spots barely overlap, so if you *need* Erlang, you are 
unlikely to be satisfied with PHP.

As for which parts of your system might need to be in C - benchmarking 
on your actual application will answer that.


> We would like to have a mega site purely on Erlang and C.
> Thank you.
> On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 10:21 PM, Tristan Sloughter
> <tristan.sloughter@REDACTED <mailto:tristan.sloughter@REDACTED>> wrote:
>     My suggestion is Webmachine or Cowboy speaking only JSON with a
>     heavy Javascript frontend, like Backbone.js, Spine.js or my favorite
>     Batman.js
>     This provides a lot of advantages, especially if you have people on
>     the frontend who know html/css/javascript but don't want to deal
>     with Erlang. Now they simply have a RESTful API to deal with and can
>     develop on ahead using fixtures or a basic backend in any quick tool
>     that can build REST apps like Sinatra or Node.js returning stock
>     responses. Plus, you then are already ready to develop other
>     interfaces besides a web frontend for you backend with no changes.
>     And while I've fallen behind on keeping it going, I'm creating apps
>     for using with Webmachine to make things faster when you know you
>     are just dealing with JSON->Erlang https://github.com/tsloughter/maru
>     Tristan
>     On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 4:56 AM, Zabrane Mickael <zabrane3@REDACTED
>     <mailto:zabrane3@REDACTED>> wrote:
>         http://lenary.co.uk/erlang/2011/08/erlang-web-libraries/
>         Regards,
>         Zabrane
>         On Apr 4, 2012, at 1:46 PM, Roberto Aloi wrote:
>>         Hi Marc,
>>>         That comparison is behind regarding Zotonic.
>>>         And I guess also regarding the other projects, as the last
>>>         update was 5 months ago.
>>         True. I couldn't find any other so-detailed comparison,
>>         thought. It
>>         would probably be worth to update that page with the latest
>>         changes in
>>         the other frameworks.
>>>         And it is more a comparison of the features of Chicago Boss
>>>         to the others, not the other way around.
>>>         Some extra categories could be considered.
>>         Well, that page belongs to the Chicago Boss project, so no big
>>         surprise about that. It's good that you made that point clear,
>>         though.
>>>         But then, no comparison is ever complete.
>>         I guess we should have a third-party one. Suggestion for a
>>         talk at the
>>         next Erlang Factory? ;)
>>         --
>>         Roberto Aloi
>>         ---
>>         Website: http://roberto-aloi.com
>>         Twitter: @robertoaloi
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