[erlang-questions] Rough thought on a P2P package distribution model for Erlang

jm jeffm@REDACTED
Wed Sep 21 01:43:40 CEST 2011

I'm not saying it is any different. I'm just outlining a distribution 
system for packages which is an alternative to the more tradition tiered 
ftp or http site mirrors. Even in the sense I'm outlining it's not that 
novel. One linux distribution, rubyx, used a similar model. Their 
package distribution program was called  "white water".  The project 
appears to be dead as the website seems to be unresponsive.

As you point out these systems "have been around for a very long time" 
so why aren't we making better use of these technologies for things like 


On 17/09/11 4:51 AM, Jon Watte wrote:
> How is this different from the already-solved problem of peer-to-peer 
> authenticated file distribution?
> Tracker-based systems like bittorrent, and fully peer-to-peer systems 
> like freenet have been around for a very long time, and solve all of 
> those problems, with different trade-offs for performance, security, 
> susceptibility, etc.
> Sincerely,
> jw

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