[erlang-questions] How erlang handle complicated data structure like C?
Tue Sep 20 16:13:14 CEST 2011
Hi Jesper,
Can you explain why length is a bad idea? I do not deny that matching left
and right expressions is also a solution, but I see no difference. So,
please, if you know a bug about length, I am interested in knowing about.
> 7. How to use the test:
> receive_function(Packet) when is_my_record(Packet) == true ->
> do_something_with_my_packet;
> receive_function(Packet) when is_my_record(Packet) /= true ->
You can't do this in Erlang. Guard expressions are limited so you can
be sure they terminate.
Please, take a better look and you will notice I haven't used guarded
function for recursion, but for condition. What you said is okay for
In addition, I didn't say that was the best way to do it, but just an
example. Jovi needed an example and I gave. I am sorry if my code offended
you so much to call it "garbage". Feel free to propose the best working idea
for this case.
On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 3:45 PM, Jesper Louis Andersen <
jesper.louis.andersen@REDACTED> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 08:26, George Catalin Serbanut
> <cgsmcmlxxv@REDACTED> wrote:
> > Considering all variables integers, here is an example how to play with
> > records:
> I'll move the quotes around a bit...
> > 7. How to use the test:
> > receive_function(Packet) when is_my_record(Packet) == true ->
> > do_something_with_my_packet;
> > receive_function(Packet) when is_my_record(Packet) /= true ->
> I_do_not_care.
> You can't do this in Erlang. Guard expressions are limited so you can
> be sure they terminate.
> > 6. Binary tester:
> > is_my_record(Binary) ->
> > L = re:split(binary_to_list(Binary),?SEPARATOR,[{return,list}]),
> > if length(L) == 3 -> Result = lists:all(fun(E) -> TL =
> > string:join(string:tokens(E,"0123456789"),""), if length(TL) == 0 ->
> Result
> > = true; length(TL) /= 0 -> Result = false end, Result end,L),
> > length(L) /= 3 -> Result = false,
> > end,
> > Result.
> This part can be done much more beautifully. length is generally a bad
> idea when a match will do:
> is_my_record(B) ->
> case re:split(binary_to_list(B), ?SEP, [{return, list}]) of
> [A, B, C] = L ->
> lists:all(fun(E) -> string:join(string:tokens(E,"0123456789"),
> "") == [] end, L);
> _ -> false
> end.
> I'd probably write (not tested, subject to infinite failure):
> is_digit(C) when C >= $0 andalso C =< $9 -> true
> is_digit(C) -> false.
> all_digits(B) when is_binary(B) -> all_digits(binary_to_list(B)); %
> Building a traverser over binaries will be faster
> all_digits(L) -> lists:all(fun is_digit/1, L).
> is_my_record(B) ->
> case binary:split(B, <<?SEP>>, [global]) of
> [A, B, C] = L -> lists:all(fun all_digits/1, L);
> _ -> false
> end.
> all_digits/1 is inefficient. But we can write:
> all_digits(F, <<>>) -> true;
> all_digits(F, <<C:8/integer, R/binary>>) ->
> F(C) andalso all_digits(F, R). % I can't remember if andalso is tail
> recursive. It should be. If not, replace this with a case.
> This avoids the creation of lots and lots of garbage. It also avoids
> the pesky re-library which is usually a bad idea :) And I believe it
> is a tad more readable.
> --
> J.
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