[erlang-questions] how can I make mnesia/sasl keep quiet

Niclas Eklund nick@REDACTED
Thu Sep 1 17:04:56 CEST 2011


Usually you should avoid application:set_env/3 if it's not your own 

From the reference manual:

        Use this function only if you know what you are doing, that is, on 
your own applications. It is very application and configuration parameter 
dependent when and how often the value is read by the application, and 
careless use of this function may put the application in a weird, 
inconsistent, and malfunctioning state."

Perhaps it works now, depending how SASL handles the parameter, but 
that might change at any given time without a warning.

Best regards,

Niclas @ Erlang/OTP

On Thu, 1 Sep 2011, Frédéric Trottier-Hébert wrote:

> You need to do application:set_env(sasl, errlog_type, Type). The 
> function with only 2 arguments will do it to the application where the 
> current process belongs -- it won't work if you're not running as a part 
> of the SASL process group. Force it with 3 arguments, where the first 
> one is the name of the application.
> --
> Fred Hébert
> http://www.erlang-solutions.com
> On 2011-09-01, at 08:59 AM, Dmitry Demeshchuk wrote:
>> Perhaps application:set_env(errlog_type, error) ?
>> On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 4:57 PM, Joe Armstrong <erlang@REDACTED> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 1:30 AM, Joseph Norton <norton@REDACTED> wrote:
>>>> Try the following ....
>>>> $ erl -sasl errlog_type error
>>> Thanks
>>> Any idea if this also be done if I start with
>>>  $erl
>>> I prefer to do *everything* by calling functions and not with command
>>> line arguments
>>> /Joe
>>>> Joseph Norton
>>>> norton@REDACTED
>>>> On Sep 1, 2011, at 3:27 AM, Dmitry Demeshchuk wrote:
>>>>> That's exactly what I want to do with rabbitmq erlang client as well :(
>>>>> On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 9:07 PM, Joe Armstrong <erlang@REDACTED> wrote:
>>>>>> When I do
>>>>>>> mnesia:stop().
>>>>>> I see this
>>>>>> =INFO REPORT==== 31-Aug-2011::19:03:57 ===
>>>>>>    application: mnesia
>>>>>>    exited: stopped
>>>>>>    type: temporary
>>>>>> How can I get rid of this printout? I never want to see excess output
>>>>>> if the system has correctly done what I told it to do.
>>>>>> /Joe
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Dmitry Demeshchuk
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>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Dmitry Demeshchuk
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