[erlang-questions] How do I reformat and output HTML strings as iolists in a convenient way?

Bob Ippolito bob@REDACTED
Wed Nov 23 23:54:52 CET 2011

Well, if you implement a lean and general module to do these kinds of
transforms you can contribute it upstream to mochiweb. You won't have to
worry about it getting bloated ;)

2011/11/23 Björn-Egil Dahlberg <wallentin.dahlberg@REDACTED>

> I took a harder look at mochiweb after I sent my first mail thinking that
> I might have forgotten something and sure enough all the building blocks
> were there.
> I guess that I am still ending up on wrong side of this. Implementing yet
> another module with the transformations I want. Sooner or later I will
> throw it away because it has become to bloated and I want something leaner.
> .. *repeat*  Sounds familiar.
> Another problem is that I don't really want to have lots of dependencies
> for an escript, but that is a whole other BoW.
> // Björn-Egil
> 2011/11/23 Bob Ippolito <bob@REDACTED>
>> I wouldn't say that mochiweb_html has good support for transforms, but
>> it's easy enough to build that stuff.
>> mochiweb isn't a framework, it's just a collection of libraries that we
>> use. mochiweb_html is mostly self-contained although it depends on another
>> module or two full of relevant constants.
>> -bob
>> On Wednesday, November 23, 2011, Daniel Dormont <dan@REDACTED>
>> wrote:
>> > I've had decent luck with mochiweb_html so far. It doesn't require the
>> > full mochiweb framework (though it's not totally self contained - some
>> > of the other modules are needed). Check out mochiweb:to_html, which
>> > does require a data structure somewhat different from what you have in
>> > your render function but might work.
>> >
>> > dan
>> >
>> > 2011/11/22 Björn-Egil Dahlberg <wallentin.dahlberg@REDACTED>:
>> >> I am frequently in a position where I render html output from logs or
>> >> dynamically render erlang data to html in a server.
>> >> Usually I don't use any lib for this but rather do something like,
>> >>
>> >> render({Tag, Data}) ->
>> >>     T = atom_to_binary(Tag, utf8),
>> >>     [ <<"<",T/binary,">">>, render(Data),<<"</",T/binary,">">>];
>> >> render(I) when is_integer(I) -> I;
>> >> render(Data) when is_binary(Data) -> quote(Data).
>> >> render([I|Is]) -> [render(I) | render(Is)];
>> >> render([]) -> [].
>> >> and put an io:put_chars([render(Data)]) somewhere.
>> >> This is of course simple enough but does not cover all bases nor does
>> it
>> >> feel right. =)
>> >> In other cases I would like an html file where I can embed tags (like
>> ruby
>> >> on rails or yaws) and substitute the tags for my input.
>> >> Mind you, I just want my iolist. I do *not* want a framework which
>> sets up
>> >> dispatchers, sockets, handlers and what not. I just want an easy way,
>> from
>> >> erlang, to describe html strings or rewrite a template file (or
>> string). In
>> >> the template some javascripts and headers are usually defined while
>> the body
>> >> or some content div should be substituted. Well, I think you get it.
>> >> Now which library should I use if I want a lean, clean syntax in my
>> module.
>> >> Or, put in another way: "Maximal html expressability with minimal
>> erlang
>> >> verbosity."
>> >> What should I use?
>> >> // Björn-Egil
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