[erlang-questions] throwing from gen_server:init/1
Dmitry Demeshchuk
Wed Nov 23 16:13:31 CET 2011
This seems a lot similar with a parse transform I've recently made. It
parses a proplist and converts it to a declared record.
However, I haven't implemented type checking yet. The goal is, for the
record like
-record(a, {
foo :: integer(),
bar :: binary()
to automatically perform checks is_integer() and is_binary(). Also,
it's pretty easy to make fields mandatory if needed.
Take a look, maybe you'll be interested in helping with finishing this
parse transform:
On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 7:05 PM, Joel Reymont <joelr1@REDACTED> wrote:
> On Nov 23, 2011, at 2:55 PM, Dmitry Demeshchuk wrote:
>> Can be a single try-catch instead. As far as I remember, sasl won't
>> show you proper error message if an exception occurs in init/1.
> Something like this then?
> 1> Opts1 = [{'foo', 1}, {'bar', 2}].
> [{foo,1},{bar,2}]
> 3> Opts2 = [{'foo', self()}, {'bar', 2}].
> [{foo,<0.34.0>},{bar,2}]
> 4> Opts3 = [{'foo', self()}, {'bar', 'baz'}].
> [{foo,<0.34.0>},{bar,baz}]
> 5> x:check(Opts1).
> {error,{invalid_option,foo}}
> 6> x:check(Opts2).
> {error,{invalid_option,bar}}
> 7> x:check(Opts3).
> {ok,{state,<0.34.0>,baz}}
> --- x.erl
> -module(x).
> -compile([export_all]).
> -record(state, {
> foo :: pid(),
> bar :: atom()
> }).
> -spec check(proplists:proplist()) -> {'ok', #state{}} | {'error', _}.
> check(Opts) ->
> try
> Foo = ensure('foo', Opts, fun is_pid/1),
> Bar = ensure('bar', Opts, fun is_atom/1),
> {'ok', #state{ foo = Foo, bar = Bar }}
> catch
> error:X ->
> {'error', X}
> end.
> ensure(Key, Opts, Guard)
> when is_atom(Key),
> is_list(Opts),
> is_function(Guard) ->
> case proplists:get_value(Key, Opts) of
> 'undefined' ->
> error({'missing_option', Key});
> Value ->
> case Guard(Value) of
> 'true' -> Value;
> _ -> error({'invalid_option', Key})
> end
> end.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> - for hire: mac osx device driver ninja, kernel extensions and usb drivers
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> http://wagerlabs.com | @wagerlabs | http://www.linkedin.com/in/joelreymont
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Best regards,
Dmitry Demeshchuk
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