[erlang-questions] Erlang code browsing

Håkan Mattsson hm@REDACTED
Mon Nov 14 14:26:56 CET 2011

There is a limited support for code browsing i reltool. It is mainly intended
for determining dependencies on application and module level, but it can
also be used to view source code where you click on function calls to see
their corresponding function implementation. Start it with:

  erl -s reltool



If you want to see dependencies for all applications, you need to classify
them as "Included" applications. This can be done within the tool by first
marking all "Available" applications with the mouse and then click on the
"tick" button. Or simply start the tool with:

  reltool:start([{sys, [{incl_cond, include}]}]).

On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 8:26 PM, Ronny Meeus <ronny.meeus@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hello
> I'm new to Erlang and I want to study some existing projects to get
> familiar with how to structure an Erlang program.
> Are there tools available that can be used to efficiently browse a
> large set of Erlang files?
> For example by converting the files in HTML that brings me to the
> correct function by clicking on it, finding places where a certain
> function is being used etc..
> Any help is appreciated ...
> Ronny
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