[erlang-questions] How to put together gproc, hundreds of thousand of processes, timeouts?

Ulf Wiger ulf.wiger@REDACTED
Thu Nov 10 09:08:49 CET 2011

On 10 Nov 2011, at 08:19, Max Bourinov wrote:

> In my case I am getting messages from decoupled system over XMPP, so there is nothing really dies

Famous last words… ;-)

I think that, since the overhead for having the ticker process monitor the parent is minimal, one may as well play it safe.

> About your code:
> I am quite new to erlang, but for me it seems that you also sends tock messages on a constant base?
> Please correct me if I am wrong.

Yes, it was just a variant of your implementation, adding monitoring for safety and hibernation to reduce the memory footprint. For your particular domain, either may be optional, of course. The basic functionality is still that each process would start its own ticker process, which periodically sends a tick message to its parent.

Ulf W

Ulf Wiger, CTO, Erlang Solutions, Ltd.

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