[erlang-questions] race condition when stopping/starting a gen_server - bug?

Fred Hebert mononcqc@REDACTED
Sun Nov 6 17:23:46 CET 2011

It's hard to help without actually seeing the code (or the test suite), but
the problem is not a bug, although it does appear to be a race condition.

As you have found, you need to use gen_server:call/2-3 and make the
termination of a gen_server synchronous to be very useful with tests.

The other things to be careful about after this is to make sure that
starting/stopping the server doesn't happen at the same time. If you're
using fixtures or just test generating functions, using the '{inorder,
TestObjects}' representation can help:

{inorder, [ListOfTests]}

or in a fixture:
some_test_() ->
   {"test description",
     fun setup/0,
     fun teardown/1,
     fun(SetupArg) ->
       {inorder, [

The other reason I can imagine is that you're making the mistake of calling
your start/stop functions within a test generator (within a
?_Macro(Assertion)): these are actually equivalent to 'fun() ->
?Macro(Assertion) end' and won't be run at declare time, but only later,
which can provoke a few errors if you're not careful.

On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 6:35 AM, Lukas P <lukasp.p017@REDACTED> wrote:

> Hello,
> in my eunit tests I am starting/stopping a gen_server.
> The code used to fail occassionally - gen_server's process name was still
> registered when gen_server:call(?SERVER, stop) returned and the next
> gen_server:start_link({local, ?SERVER}...) failed with
> {error,{already_started,_}}.
> Adding unregister to gen_server's terminate/2 solved the problem
> (terminate/2 is called before responding to the stop request), but is there
> a reason why gen_server does not unregister its name at the right time?
> Thanks, Lukas
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