[erlang-questions] Error handling with good looking code?

Jon Watte jwatte@REDACTED
Thu Nov 3 20:05:55 CET 2011

Two things I can think of:

try / after is useful if you have side effects you need to unwind.

Matching on {ok, ...} is useful when all you really want to do is generate
an error -- if something doesn't go as you expect, let it crash, and let a
higher level deal with reporting the error to the client.



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standards for the benefit of people in the rest of the world. Nevertheless,
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On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 6:08 AM, Attila Rajmund Nohl <attila.r.nohl@REDACTED
> wrote:

> Hello!
> I have this code (cut out some non-interesting pieces):
> upload_trace_record_file2(Host, Usr, Pwd, RemDir, NetTraceRef) ->
>    case sftp_client:open(Host, ?SFTP_PORT, Usr, Pwd) of
>        {ok, Pid} ->
> ....
>            case sftp_client:send(Pid, TRFile, RemTRFile) of
>                ok ->
>                    ok;
>                {error, Reason} ->
>                    {error, sftp_client:format_error(Reason)}
>            end,
>            sftp_client:close(Pid),
>            file:delete(TRFile);
>        {error, Reason} ->
>            {error, sftp_client:format_error(Reason)}
>    end.
> update_trace_record_file(TRFile, NetTraceRef) ->
>    case exml:read_file(TRFile, [{space, normalize}]) of
>        {ok, ReadExml} ->
>            {traceCollecFile, Attributes, ChildList} = ReadExml,
> ...
>            file:write_file(TmpTRFile, TraceText),
>            TmpTRFile;
>        _ ->
>            throw({error, bad_xml_file})
>    end.
> There are at least two obvious bugs in the error handling (the error
> from sftp_client:send is not used; the update_trace_record_file throws
> an exception instead of returning an error), but it made think about
> how to handle the errors properly in this code. The "let it crash"
> philosophy doesn't really work here, because we need to produce a
> meaningful error message to the user and the stack trace is not a
> meaningful message to them. I was thinking something like this:
> upload_trace_record_file2(Host, Usr, Pwd, RemDir, NetTraceRef) ->
>    try
>        {sftp_client, {ok, Pid}} = {sftp_client,
> sftp_client:open(Host, ?SFTP_PORT, Usr, Pwd)},
> ....
>        {sftp_client, ok} = {sftp_client, sftp_client:send(Pid,
> TRFile, RemTRFile)},
>        sftp_client:close(Pid),
>        file:delete(TRFile)
>   catch
>        error:{badmatch, {sftp_client, Reason}} ->
>            {error, sftp_client:format_error(Reason)};
>        error:{badmatch, {exml, _}} ->
>                  {error, bad_xml_file}
>    end.
> update_trace_record_file(TRFile, NetTraceRef) ->
>    {exml, {ok, ReadExml}} = {exml, exml:read_file(TRFile, [{space,
> normalize}])},
>    {traceCollecFile, Attributes, ChildList} = ReadExml,
> ...
>    file:write_file(TmpTRFile, TraceText),
>    TmpTRFile.
> but it looks somewhat ugly. Three "assignments" and function calls are
> hidden away in tuples, so it's a little hard to read, even though the
> rest of the code is simpler. Do you have any other ideas?
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