[erlang-questions] crypto:mod_exp/3 returns wrong result?

Nanitous nanitous@REDACTED
Mon May 30 20:17:22 CEST 2011

Hi Jesper, Hanfei,

For the purpose in cryptographical applications this is not a problem, where in practivce only positive number are considered (actually elements from a group Z_p).

Of course one can debate whether Erlang should faithfully conserve the negative sign between libraries. But, as said before, for the crypto applications of mod_exp, it doesn't matter.



I went into the source code (see below) and the following happens:

0. The OpenSSL Big Number representation is a structure in which whether a number is negative is a separate flag in the structure:

struct bignum_st
	BN_ULONG *d;	/* Pointer to an array of 'BN_BITS2' bit chunks. */
	int top;	/* Index of last used d +1. */
	/* The next are internal book keeping for bn_expand. */
	int dmax;	/* Size of the d array. */
	int neg;	/* one if the number is negative */
	int flags;

typedef struct bignum_st BIGNUM;

From the openSSL bn.h:

/** BN_set_negative sets sign of a BIGNUM
 * \param  b  pointer to the BIGNUM object
 * \param  n  0 if the BIGNUM b should be positive and a value != 0 otherwise 
void	BN_set_negative(BIGNUM *b, int n);
/** BN_is_negative returns 1 if the BIGNUM is negative
 * \param  a  pointer to the BIGNUM object
 * \return 1 if a < 0 and 0 otherwise
#define BN_is_negative(a) ((a)->neg != 0)

1. The conversion of Erlang "big number" to openSSL "big numbers" ignores whether the binary big number representation of Erlang signifies a negative number:

static int get_bn_from_mpint(ErlNifEnv* env, ERL_NIF_TERM term, BIGNUM** bnp)
    ErlNifBinary bin;
    int sz;
    if (!enif_inspect_binary(env,term,&bin)) {
	return 0;
    ERL_VALGRIND_ASSERT_MEM_DEFINED(bin.data, bin.size);
    sz = bin.size - 4;
    if (sz < 0 || get_int32(bin.data) != sz) {
	return 0;
    *bnp = BN_bin2bn(bin.data+4, sz, NULL);
    return 1;

2. The reverse conversion when the openSSL function BN_mod_exp has computed its result, the conversion from the openSSL representation to the Erlang representation ignores again any negative results.

From Erlang: crypto.c

static ERL_NIF_TERM mod_exp_nif(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[])
{/* (Base,Exponent,Modulo) */
    BIGNUM *bn_base=NULL, *bn_exponent=NULL, *bn_modulo, *bn_result;
    BN_CTX *bn_ctx;
    unsigned char* ptr;
    unsigned dlen;      
    ERL_NIF_TERM ret;

    if (!get_bn_from_mpint(env, argv[0], &bn_base)
	|| !get_bn_from_mpint(env, argv[1], &bn_exponent)
	|| !get_bn_from_mpint(env, argv[2], &bn_modulo)) {

	if (bn_base) BN_free(bn_base);
	if (bn_exponent) BN_free(bn_exponent);
	return enif_make_badarg(env);
    bn_result = BN_new();
    bn_ctx = BN_CTX_new();
    BN_mod_exp(bn_result, bn_base, bn_exponent, bn_modulo, bn_ctx);
    dlen = BN_num_bytes(bn_result);
    ptr = enif_make_new_binary(env, dlen+4, &ret);
    put_int32(ptr, dlen);
    BN_bn2bin(bn_result, ptr+4);
    return ret;

From: openSSL: bn_lib.h:

BIGNUM *BN_bin2bn(const unsigned char *s, int len, BIGNUM *ret)
	unsigned int i,m;
	unsigned int n;
	BIGNUM  *bn = NULL;

	if (ret == NULL)
		ret = bn = BN_new();
	if (ret == NULL) return(NULL);
	if (n == 0)
	if (bn_wexpand(ret, (int)i) == NULL)
		if (bn) BN_free(bn);
		return NULL;
	while (n--)
		l=(l<<8L)| *(s++);
		if (m-- == 0)
	/* need to call this due to clear byte at top if avoiding
	 * having the top bit set (-ve number) */

/* ignore negative */
int BN_bn2bin(const BIGNUM *a, unsigned char *to)
	int n,i;

	while (i--)
		*(to++)=(unsigned char)(l>>(8*(i%BN_BYTES)))&0xff;

On 30 mei 2011, at 08:39, Jesper Pettersson wrote:

> Writing a small example in C using the bignum library in openssl (used by the Erlang crypto driver) shows that the result there is 1 as well.
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <openssl/crypto.h>
> #include <openssl/bn.h>
> int main(int argc, char *argv[])
> {
>         static const char b[] = "-2";
>         static const char e[] = "3";
> 	static const char m[] = "3";
>         BIGNUM *bnb = NULL;
>         BIGNUM *bne = NULL;
>         BIGNUM *bnm = NULL;
> 	BIGNUM *res = BN_new();
>         BN_CTX *ctx = BN_CTX_new();
>         BN_dec2bn(&bnb, b); /* convert the string to BIGNUM */
>         BN_dec2bn(&bne, e);
>         BN_dec2bn(&bnm, m);
>         BN_mod_exp(res, bnb, bne, bnm, ctx); 
>         char *result_str = BN_bn2dec(res); /* convert the res BIGNUM to string */
>         printf("%s\n", result_str);
>         OPENSSL_free(result_str);
>         BN_free(bnb);
>         BN_free(bne);
>         BN_free(bnm);
>         BN_CTX_free(ctx);
>         return 0;
> }
> $ gcc -o bn -lcrypto bn.c
> $ ./bn
> 1
> /Jesper Pettersson
> Klarna AB
> On Sat, May 28, 2011 at 8:22 PM, Hanfei Shen <qqshfox@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hi all,
> As the doc says:
> mod_exp(N, P, M) -> Result
> Types:
> N, P, M, Result = Mpint
> Mpint = binary()
> This function performs the exponentiation N ^ P mod M, using the crypto library.
> Now, assume: N = -2, P = 3, M = 3
> Then: N ^ P mod M = (-2) ^ 3 mod 3
>                   = (-8) mod 3
>                   = (-3) * 3 + 1
>                or = (-3) * 2 + (-2)
> So: the remainder should be 1 or -2
> (Remainder, From Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remainder)
> But I got a TWO from crypto:mod_exp/3... Is there some wrong...?
> And I did more tests with erlang, python and ruby.
> The result:
> Erlang R14B02 (erts-5.8.3) [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [rq:2] [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]
> Eshell V5.8.3  (abort with ^G)
> 1> crypto:mod_exp(-2, 3, 3).
> 2
> 2> crypto:mod_exp(2, 3, 3).
> 2
> 3> crypto:mod_exp(-2, 3, -3).
> 1
> 4> crypto:mod_exp(2, 3, -3).
> 8
> Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, Mar 25 2011, 15:07:46)
> In [1]: pow(-2, 3, 3)
> Out[1]: 1
> In [2]: pow(2, 3, 3)
> Out[2]: 2
> In [3]: pow(-2, 3, -3)
> Out[3]: -2
> In [4]: pow(2, 3, -3)
> Out[4]: -1
> Welcome to IRB. You are using ruby 1.9.2p180 (2011-02-18 revision 30909) [x86_64-linux]. Have fun ;)
> irb(main):001:0> (-2) ** 3 % 3
> 1
> irb(main):002:0> 2 ** 3 % 3
> 2
> irb(main):003:0> (-2) ** 3 % (-3)
> -2
> irb(main):004:0> 2 ** 3 % (-3)
> -1
> Regards,
> Hanfei
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> Jesper Pettersson
> Klarna AB
> Norra Stationsgatan 61
> 113 43 Stockholm, Sweden
> Tel:         +46 8 - 120 120 00
> Mob:       +46 70 - 001 27 25
> Fax:        +46 8 - 120 120 99
> E-mail:     jesper.pettersson@REDACTED
> Web:        www.klarna.com
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