[erlang-questions] Configuring sasl to write rb-compatible logs

Gleb Peregud gleber.p@REDACTED
Thu Mar 31 20:40:31 CEST 2011


I'm digging into using rb for log viewing. As far as I understood from
documentation, some blogs and other emails here it is enough to define
the following parameters in the sasl application's config:


Here's an output of my test:

gleber@REDACTED:~/tmp/test$ ls
rb.config  test.sh

gleber@REDACTED:~/tmp/test$ cat rb.config
 {sasl, [
         {error_logger_mf_dir, "."},
         {error_logger_mf_maxbytes, 1024},
         {error_logger_mf_max_files, 10}

gleber@REDACTED:~/tmp/test$ cat test.sh

exec erl -sname test \
    -config rb \
    -boot start_sasl

gleber@REDACTED:~/tmp/test$ ./test.sh
Erlang R14A (erts-5.8) [source] [smp:2:2] [rq:2] [async-threads:0]

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 31-Mar-2011::20:36:09 ===
          supervisor: {local,sasl_safe_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.41.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 31-Mar-2011::20:36:09 ===
          supervisor: {local,sasl_safe_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.42.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 31-Mar-2011::20:36:09 ===
          supervisor: {local,sasl_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.40.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 31-Mar-2011::20:36:09 ===
          supervisor: {local,sasl_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.43.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 31-Mar-2011::20:36:09 ===
         application: sasl
          started_at: test@REDACTED
Eshell V5.8  (abort with ^G)
(test@REDACTED)1> rb:start().
{error,{"cannot read the index file",
=CRASH REPORT==== 31-Mar-2011::20:36:11 ===
    initial call: rb:init/1
    pid: <0.49.0>
    registered_name: []
    exception exit: "cannot read the index file"
      in function  gen_server:init_it/6
    ancestors: [sasl_sup,<0.38.0>]
    messages: []
    links: [<0.39.0>]
    dictionary: []
    trap_exit: true
    status: running
    heap_size: 233
    stack_size: 24
    reductions: 266

(test@REDACTED)2> q().

gleber@REDACTED:~/tmp/test$ ls
rb.config  test.sh

Am I missing something in the configuration of sasl or is there
anything else I have to do to make sasl attach error_logger_mf_h to
error logger?

Gleb Peregud

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