[erlang-questions 62] Re: A sudoku solver in Erlang compared to Python

Andreas Pauley apauley@REDACTED
Sun Mar 27 23:57:17 CEST 2011

On Sat, Mar 26, 2011 at 9:46 PM, Evans, Matthew <mevans@REDACTED> wrote:
> Cool...
> Might also want to look at what happens if all the other Erlang modules (esp. lists, sets and dict for your app) are made native:

Ok, so to try this I copied lists.erl etc. into my own source dir, and
then I compiled it to beams using the native flag.

Is that what you meant?

Because that will be cool for a once-off experiment, but not so cool
in the long run.
Doing that means I'm taking responsibility for doing it every time I
upgrade my Erlang version etc.

Is there a way to do it with less maintenance?

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