ErlyDTL 0.7.0 is available
Evan Miller
Tue Mar 22 05:25:56 CET 2011
ErlyDTL compiles Django Template Language to Erlang BEAM code.
ErlyDTL 0.7.0, released today, implements 100% of Django filters and
several new tags.
Project homepage:
Changes since the last release:
* Feature: Boolean operators in "if" tags.
* Feature: {% empty %} block in for loops
* Feature: translation funs support run-time translation
* Feature: "only" and "with" keywords in "include" tag
* Feature: ISO-8601 date formatting
* Feature: single-argument form of "date" filter
* Feature: pass in a helper module to process custom tags
* Feature: compile a directory of templates into a helper module
* Bugfix: escapejs uses \u syntax
* New tags:
+ filter
+ spaceless
+ ssi
+ templatetag
+ widthratio
+ with
* New filters (most of these thanks to Drew Gulino)
+ addslashes
+ cut
+ default
+ dictsort
+ dictsortreversed
+ divisibleby
+ filesizeformat
+ floatformat
+ get_digit
+ iriencode
+ linebreaks
+ linenumbers
+ makelist
+ phone2numeric
+ pluralize
+ random
+ random_num
+ random_range
+ removetags
+ safe
+ safeseq
+ slice
+ slugify
+ stringformat
+ striptags
+ time
+ timesince
+ timeuntil
+ title
+ truncatewords_html
+ unordered_list
+ urlize
+ urlizetrunc
+ wordcount
+ wordwrap
+ yesno
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