[erlang-questions] first, next, prev, last in gb_trees
Ulf Wiger
Wed Mar 16 21:45:13 CET 2011
Thank you for the bugfix. :) Happy that the code was sitll correct...
I figured that I would still get a decent spread of different trees, since I built them from variable-length lists of random integers - but of course, your approach is better still.
Ulf W
On 16 Mar 2011, at 20:58, John Hughes wrote:
> ?Nice!
> Slight typo: you tested prev twice... your prop_next actually tested prev, it's a copy-and-paste of prop_prev without the renaming to next!
> I'd suggest testing all the properties at once with eqc:module({numtests,1000},gb1). That should work in eqcmini too.
> One drawback of your approach is that you only test next and prev on gb_trees constructed using empty and enter. Conceivably the other functions could create gb_trees with a different structure that you might fail on. Here's some code that uses ALL of the constructors to build the test data (no bugs found though!).
> John
> %% gb_tree constructors
> gb() ->
> ?SIZED(Size,
> frequency([{1,{call,gb_trees,empty,[]}},
> {1,{call,gb_trees,from_orddict,[orddict()]}},
> {Size,?LAZY(compound_gb())}])).
> compound_gb() ->
> ?LETSHRINK([GB],[gb()],
> oneof([{call,gb_trees,Fun,Args++[GB]}
> || [Fun|Args] <-
> lists:map(fun tuple_to_list/1,gb_constructors())]
> ++
> [{call,erlang,element,[3,{call,gb_trees,take_smallest,[GB]}]},
> {call,erlang,element,[3,{call,gb_trees,take_largest,[GB]}]}])).
> gb_constructors() ->
> [{balance},
> {delete,key()},
> {delete_any,key()},
> {enter,key(),val()},
> {insert,key(),val()},
> {update,key(),val()}].
> key() ->
> nat().
> val() ->
> int().
> orddict() ->
> ?LET(L,list({key(),val()}),
> orddict:from_list(L)).
> %% Properties
> prop_prev2() ->
> ?FORALL(GB,eqc_symbolic:well_defined(gb()),
> begin
> T = eval(GB),
> ok == all_prev(lists:reverse(keys(T)), T)
> end).
> prop_next2() ->
> ?FORALL(GB,eqc_symbolic:well_defined(gb()),
> begin
> T = eval(GB),
> ok == all_next(keys(T), T)
> end).
> keys(T) ->
> [K || {K,_} <- gb_trees:to_list(T)].
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Ulf Wiger" <ulf.wiger@REDACTED>
> To: "Erlang Questions" <erlang-questions@REDACTED>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 6:13 PM
> Subject: [erlang-questions] first, next, prev, last in gb_trees
> When I use ordered_set ets over gb_trees it has more than once been due to the fact that you can do wonderful stuff with first, next, prev and last - and gb_trees doesn't have them.
> I've made a stab at implementing these functions for the gb_trees data structure, together with a quickcheck spec to verify that they work as expected (you can use eqc mini to run the tests). I think they are reasonably efficient, but perhaps someone can think of a way to optimize them? Have at it, and pls use the spec to verify that you didn't break them* (recalling that an incorrect program can be made arbitrarily fast)
> * e.g. eqc:quickcheck(gb1:prop_first())
> BR,
> Ulf W (hoping the list server won't chop the 150-line attachment)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Ulf Wiger, CTO, Erlang Solutions, Ltd.
>> http://erlang-solutions.com
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Ulf Wiger, CTO, Erlang Solutions, Ltd.
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