[ANN] 2nd Madrid Erlounge 30th March

Clara Benac Earle cbenac@REDACTED
Wed Mar 16 13:38:07 CET 2011

Hi everyone,

Following the success of the 1st Madrid Erlounge, the 2nd Madrid 
Erlounge (or Spring Madrid Erlounge) will take place on the *30th of 
March* at the Facultad de Informática of the Universidad Complutense de 
Madrid (UCM).

Date Wednesday 30th of March 2011
Time 18:30 - 20:30 (talk starts at 19:00)
Venue Sala de Grados (1st floor of the Facultad de Informática of the 
Universidad Complutense of Madrid)
Speaker: Juan Puig, Systems Engineer at Erlang Solutions Ltd. 

The abstract of the talk will be sent closer to the date of the event.

The event it kindly sponsored by Erlang Solutions Ltd., the GPD group at 
the Universidad Complutense of Madrid (http://gpd.sip.ucm.es/), and the 
ProTest project (http://www.protest-project.eu/).

Everybody welcomed!

Clara Benac Earle
Babel research group (https://babel.ls.fi.upm.es/)
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)

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