[erlang-questions] counter.erl example from "Concurrent Programming in ERLANG" - debugging

Robert Virding robert.virding@REDACTED
Tue Mar 15 18:32:02 CET 2011

Of course it's the canonical book! :-) More seriously, I don't think 
that Erlang has changed in such a way that examples there won't run in 
the current systems. It is more that new things have been added since 
then. One fun thing in the old book are the examples which describe 
hardware control problems.

One change, however, is that the behaviour of link/1 has changed when 
trying to link a dead process. Originally link/1 was completely 
asynchronous and would always generate a 'noproc' exit signal from the 
non-existent process, irrespective of whether the process was local or 
on another node. Now it tries to "help" by behaving differently if the 
process is local. Grrr.


On 3/15/11 1:12 PM, Alain O'Dea wrote:
> Good stuff :)
> Just making sure you weren't led to believe that is the canonical book :)
> On 2011-03-15, at 1:57, Wes James<comptekki@REDACTED>  wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 6:15 PM, Alain O'Dea<alain.odea@REDACTED>  wrote:
>>> Hi Wes:
>> Hi Alain:
>>> On 2011-03-14, at 19:03, Wes James<comptekki@REDACTED>  wrote:
>>> I run the counter.erl in the shell - Pid=counter:start().  Then ran
>>> counter:value(Pid) - returns 0.  I wanted to see how this works in the
>>> debugger so I run (after starting new shell or f() ):
>> <snip>
>>> Out of curiosity, why are you using that
>>> particular book?  Erlang and its tools may have changed enough to break it's
>>> examples.
>> Well about March of 2010 I found Erlang and I checked the University
>> library here and they had this book and I checked it out.  I ordered a
>> copy from amazon and hope to get a few signatures next week at the SF
>> Factory :)  It's old, but the basics probably still hold.  There might
>> be a general issue with debugging spawns/receives, etc.  Hopefully
>> I'll have more input by tomorrow from some folks over the sea :)
>>> Much more current resources are available:
>>> Frédéric Trottier-Hébert's Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good:
>>> http://learnyousomeerlang.com/
>> I think I've been there a few times.
>>> Joe Armstrong's Programming Erlang, Software for a Concurrent World:
>>> http://pragprog.com/titles/jaerlang/programming-erlang
>> Ordered it a couple of weeks ago and got it last week :)
>>> Martin Logan, Richard Carlsson and Eric Merritt's Erlang and OTP in Action:
>>> http://www.manning.com/logan/
>>> Francesco Cesarini and Simon Thompson's Erlang Programming:
>>> http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596518189
>> I've seen these on the erlang.org side panel and might look in to them too.
>> thx for the tips.
>> -wes
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