Dialyzer vs. Weird List Comprehensions

Fernando Benavides fernando.benavides@REDACTED
Fri Mar 4 20:53:06 CET 2011

Hi, I think this question is mostly for the man of the moment, Kostis
Sagonas ;). But, if everybody else had run into this kind of things
before, your help is appreciated.
I have a quite complex module and at one point there is a function that
uses list comprehensions over one of its parameters. That parameter, may
eventually be an empty list (a hardcoded empty list - i.e. when know
that in that particular case it'll be an empty list at compile time).
So, when I try to run dialyzer on my module, it prints a warning about
that when in my opinion, it shouldn't.
To make things easier to understand, I've isolated the problem in this
rather useless module:

        -spec sample() -> [].
        sample() -> [L || L <- []].

Now, you can compile and run it:

        1> c(listcomp).
        2> listcomp:sample().

It works fine, but if you try to dialyze it...

        $ dialyzer ebin/listcomp.beam
        listcomp.erl:4: The pattern [L | _] can never match the type []
         done in 0m0.31s
        done (warnings were emitted)

First thought is "why are you doing a list comprehension on an empty
list anyway?". But, for instance, the actual line in my module is
something like this:

        all_friends(Buddies) -> [db:get_buddy(FN) || #buddy{friend_names
        = FNs} <- Buddies, FN <- FNs].

And it's called from a lot of places... one of those looks like this...

        all_friends([#buddy{name = "Jim (from 28 days later...)", ...},
        #buddy{name = "Chuck Norris", ...}])

...and you know... neither of those folks have any friends, so dialyzer

What do you think? Is it a bug? Should I modify my code not to use list
comprehensions on that case?


                                                      Fernando Benavides


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