[erlang-questions] Funargs: Ruby-like blocks for Erlang

Robert Virding robert.virding@REDACTED
Fri Jul 22 20:15:54 CEST 2011

Just a quick comment on Erlang fun syntax, without getting into a discussion on Tony's suggestion. This is how I remember it.

The fun syntax was chosen to look like the syntax for "normal" functions. This because they basically have the same properties and features: multiple clauses, patterns, guards, etc. Seeing they basically behave in the same way they should look the same way. Now a choice was made to start them with the reserved word 'fun' and not to repeat it for every clause. I can't remember why we chose not to repeat the "function name" (fun) for each clause but my guess is that we considered it redundant so we chose not to include it. Another choice we made was that all variables occurring in the head of a fun clause is a new variable which inside the fun clause shadows variables with the same name outside the fun. This means, of course, that any comparison with variables outside has to be done explicitly in the guard. This is, of course, un-Erlangy but I guess we thought it fitted better into the "standard" way of the fun. We couldn't, of course, end a fun definition with a '.' as this would really screw up the syntax handling so we ended a fun in the same was as we end everything, except a catch (this was a mistake, it would have been better to have catch ... end), with an 'end'.

I know the syntax is a bit wordy but at least both the syntax and semantics are consistent. (And at my age I value consistency)

The handling of variables was then "imported" into list comprehensions, so that there now are two things which treat variables differently.

I very much like the idea of a proper let (or a where) and I think it would make variable handling clearer. Variables are handled in a consistent way but it is not always easy to work out what should happen. Most people never ave problems with this as most people write pretty "simple" code (from the compiler point of view). Adding local functions, which I think would be a Good Thing, in the same way as variables are handled today would be very confusing so some form of 'let' construct would be necessary, at least for them. Then we might as well have for variables as well.

Sorry for digressing a little here.


----- "Joe Armstrong" <erlang@REDACTED> wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 6:28 AM, Richard O'Keefe <ok@REDACTED>
> wrote:
> >
> > On 22/07/2011, at 3:49 PM, Tony Arcieri wrote:
> >
> >> On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 7:43 PM, Richard O'Keefe
> <ok@REDACTED> wrote:
> >> Wrong.  In funs, "end" is paired with "fun" and "fun" ONLY.
> >>
> >> Okay, conceded (and Jachym made the same point)
> >>
> >> I'll revert to my other point, which is that the '->' token in
> Erlang is only found in forms outside of funs, which are expressions.
> No other expression in Erlang uses the '->' token.
> >
> > I am totally confused here.
> > Erlang constructs "->" if and only if they have patterns-and-guards
> > (well, patterns-and-or-guards, to be picky) to separate from
> bodies.
> >
> > That's it.  No exceptions.
> >
> > I have just revised the Expressions chapter of the reference
> manual,
> > and I cannot find one single example of a kind of expression that
> > _should_ use "->" but doesn't.
> >
> > So what kind of expression do _you_ think ought to use "->" but
> doesn't?
> >
> >> I'd also ask what you feel about the people who responded to this
> thread
> >> who find the Erlang fun syntax awkward. I certainly find it
> awkward.
> >
> > Oh dear, this is going to sound insulting, but it's not meant that
> way.
> >
> > I am more impressed by people who demonstrate that they understand
> how
> > the current syntax actually *works* before they complain about it.
> >
> > I myself have said that I find Erlang syntax "clunky but tasteful".
> > It uses more tokens than Haskell does.
> >
> > But then, Haskell syntax is surprisingly tricky, and I'm not sure
> > how many Haskell parsers actually get it 100% right.
> >
> > For reference, it took a huge amount of fighting in the ISO Prolog
> > committee to agree on an unambiguous syntax, and in the revision
> mailing
> > list there are continuing, um, strong disagreements.  I think the
> > restrictions compared with classic Prolog were and are too severe.
>  But
> > a correspondent who has done a heck of a lot more work on standards
> issues
> > in recent years than I have points out with a great deal of justice
> that
> > the various Prolog implementations out there STILL don't agree on
> syntax,
> > not as much as their authors fondly imagine.  He'd like to see them
> get
> > what's in the standard right before adding anything else.
> >
> > Do not despise a simple syntax that implementors can actually get
> >
> > It is *HARD* to come up with a clean coherent syntax for the whole
> of a
> > programming language.  And it is triply hard to patch your way
> there,
> > and outright impossible to do it by adding inconsistencies.
> >
> > Yes, "fun ... end" is not as pretty as it could be, but for
> something
> > that was added years after Erlang was shipping, it's nearly as
> close
> > to the rest of the language as anyone could wish for.  (The thing I
> > don't like is the scope rules for variables shared between "fun"
> heads
> > and their contexts, which has nothing to do with keywords or
> > punctuation.)
> >
> > If you don't like funs in Erlang, try Objective C or JavaScript for
> a while.
> Now you've set me off ...
> If you think Erlang funs are problematic you should take a look
> at javascript. Javascript closures are truly horrible
> NOTE in what follows "$$" means the javascript shell prompt
> $$ x = 10;
> 10
> Now let's make a function y that adds x to its argument
> Pretty simply, eh,
> In Erlang I'd write fun(Y) -> Y + X end
> In Javascript I write:
> $$ f = function(y){return(x+y);};
> function (y){return(x+y);}
> Test it:
> $$ f(5);
> 15
> Hooray - great - but wait a moment
> Now change x
> $$ x=20;
> 20
> Now if the force was with javascript I'd rather hope that
> I had not accidentally broken f. What happens?
> Now what was f(5), let's take a look:
> $$ f(5);
> 25
> Oh dear - maths is broken. f(5) is not what it was earlier
> Try again:
> $$ x = 10;
> 10
> Add an extra level of indirection and throw in some semicolons
> $$ f = (function(z){return function(y){return y+z;};})(x);
> (( F = fun(Y) -> Y + X end,  in Erlang :-))
> function (y){return y+z}
> $$ f(5);
> 15
> So far so good.
> Now lets change x
> $$ x=20;
> 20
> Have we broken f?
> $$ f(5);
> 15
> No f still works.
> No Lets' go back to Erlang and repeat the argument as it were.
> Let's pretent Erlang is javascript
> > X = 10;
> > F = fun(Y) -> X + Y end;
> Now ask the javascript question "what happens if I now change X"
> Erlang answer - you can't
> Now if you think horrible incantations like
>     f = (function(z){return function(y){return y+z;};})(x);
> in Javascript solved all your problems with closures think again. What
> you
> do inside the {...} bits of a function depends crucially on the
> semantics
> of assignment in javascript.
> I have three javascript books at home - I looked up assignment in all
> three.
> But none of them said anything sensible ...
> What does
>      x = y;
> mean in javascript?
> If I say
>      x = y;
> In javascript and then change y, is x changed? Or if I change x is
> y changed.
> Is x a deep or shallow copy of y - well the answer is of course "it
> depends"
> Now in Erlang X = Y behaves as if you'd made a deep copy of Y.
> Of course you don't actually make a deep copy of Y - you just think
> you have,
> and the question "what happens to X if we subsequently change Y?" is
> easy to answer "You can't change Y"
> (actually - non of the three Erlang books mention this, if you come
> from javascript
> you have to worry about the semantics of assignment, and the deep and
> shallow copying implied by assignment)
> Erlang fun syntax might have the odd wart (variable bindings can
> sometimes
> seem strange to the unaccustomed eye) but at least things bound in
> closures
> are actually bound in the closure and cannot be changed later - this
> means no nasty surprises later.
> Cheers
> /Joe
> >
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