[erlang-questions] Funargs: Ruby-like blocks for Erlang

Tristan Sloughter tristan.sloughter@REDACTED
Thu Jul 21 22:01:07 CEST 2011

A reason I end up with far more anonymous functions in my Erlang than
Haskell code (and end up with longer functions in Erlang) is the lack of
'let' and 'where'.

In Erlang I'd do:

-spec area_of_circles(record(circle)) -> [float()]
area_of_circles(Circles) ->
  lists:map(fun(C) ->
                              math:pi() * math:pow(C#circle.radius, 2)
                end, Circles).

While in Haskell:

area_of_circles :: [Shape] -> [Float]
area_of_circles circles =
  L.map (area_of_circle) circles
    area_of_circle (Circle radius) = pi * radius^2

Not a great example, but I don't have time to come up with a better one...
But maybe portrays what I mean about Erlang making me less likely to name
anonymous functions and less likely to break things into smaller functions.


On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 7:34 AM, Jesper Louis Andersen <
jesper.louis.andersen@REDACTED> wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 09:39, Tony Arcieri <tony.arcieri@REDACTED>
> wrote:
> > Ruby has this really nifty feature called blocks which, to put not too
> > fine a point on it, provides some awesome syntactic sugar for passing
> > an anonymous function as an argument to another function. In Ruby,
> > blocks look like this:
> >
> >     [1,2,3,4,5].map do |n|
> >         n * 2
> >     end
> Most of the trouble stems from
> a) No currying in Erlang
> b) A long anonymous function notation
> c) No sectioning
> In Haskell, your example is
> map (*2) [1..5]
> and if written without sectioning:
> map (\x -> x * 2) [1..5]
> and in SML which doesn't have a list constructor convenience notation:
> List.map (fn x => x * 2) [1,2,3,4,5]
> .
> Ruby blocks is a weak implementation of anonymous functions in every
> way. The problems from using lots of anonymous functions in Erlang
> programs is mainly because the notational overhead of using them is
> too big. But then again, I don't find
> lists:map(fun(X) -> X * 2 end, [1,2,3,4,5]),
> much harder to read. Yes, there is more clutter in there due to the
> function object. But it has a distinct advantage over the block in
> ruby which is that it is not statement-syntax but an expression. I can
> write
> foo(F) ->
>  lists:map(F, [1,2,3,4,5]).
> and get away with it. In Ruby you have to do something more here to
> turn the do-block, which is a statement, into some kind of value you
> can then pass around. When I looked at Ruby in 2002 they had some
> "proc" objects to do this with. I am sure it is better today. My main
> gripe with the kind of notation you propose is that it doesn't
> *compose* in the sense of a mathematical algebra.  It is also why I
> like currying, and why I absolutely *love* Agda 2 for its infix
> operator definitions. In Agda, you can do:
> data List (A : Set) : Set where
>  [] : List A
>  _∷_ : A -> List A -> List A
> which defines that we have a list and that the notation of the cons
> is: x ∷ l, where x has type A and l has type List A. You can even do
> more advanced stuff like if_then_else to build if-then-else statements
> yourself. These tools allow you to construct algebraic solutions to
> nearly any problem statement syntax will help with.
> TL;DR I don't think we need a new kind of syntax for certain kinds of
> lambda sections (see the 'cut' proposal a couple of days ago from
> SRFI-26 in Scheme-land). But I do agree the notation is heavier than
> it could be. A more convenient notation would encourage people to use
> anonymous functions more.
> --
> J.
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