[erlang-questions] mnesia lookup weirdness
Thu Jul 14 08:37:43 CEST 2011
For the record, I've found out what was causing this.
A process was regularly executing ets:safe_fixtable(true) on this table, and
not finishing off with ets:safe_fixtable(false).
This meant that the behaviour of mnesia:dirty_first was affected, and was
also causing increased memory consumption.
Thanks to Håkan and Sverker for helping me find the root cause.
On 1 July 2011 14:44, Chandru <chandrashekhar.mullaparthi@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hi,
> One of my production nodes running R12B-5 is exhibiting some strange
> behaviour.
> mnesia:dirty_read(gtp_tid, mnesia:dirty_first(gtp_tid)).
> gives me an empty list. The table has 39K entries. How do I find out what
> is happening? I tried using ets operations directly and get the same result
> (which is what mnesia is doing behind the scenes anyway). I get the same
> empty result using a transaction to read. Any clues?
> 96> ets:info(gtp_tid).
> [{memory,213857900},
> {owner,<0.741.0>},
> {name,gtp_tid},
> {size,39088},
> {node,node@REDACTED},
> {named_table,true},
> {type,set},
> {keypos,2},
> {protection,public}]
> The same operation works ok on other tables.
> cheers
> Chandru
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