[erlang-questions] BERT vs protobuf in the erlang world

Valentino Volonghi dialtone@REDACTED
Thu Aug 25 02:04:21 CEST 2011

On 24 Aug 2011, at 15:15, Jon Watte wrote:

> You solve that in one of two ways:
> 1) Create a message that is the "PDU" that contains the union of everything that could be sent,
> or
> 2) Create a wrapper that is just "type" followed by "binary data that is a marshaled message."

I've actually tested this against MessagePack.

Original file is csv with base64 encoded fields and gzipped: 73554863 bytes
Msgpack file with no base64 encoding and gzipped: 64226388 bytes
protocolbuffers file no base64 with PDU and gzipped: 63470582 bytes

The msgpack solution was faster to decode and encode though, and it's also significantly simpler code in both erlang and Python (which I tested).

Valentino Volonghi

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