[erlang-questions] Specifying 'erts' as an application

Kostis Sagonas kostis@REDACTED
Mon Apr 25 13:10:03 CEST 2011

About three weeks ago, I posted the following question but got no answer 
so far.  Let me ask it differently in the hope that I will now get some 

Is there any good reason why the erts application does not have a .app 
file as all other OTP applications (e.g. kernel, stdlib, etc.) have?

If there is no good reason, can it please be added?


Kostis Sagonas wrote:
> The Erlang/OTP documentation specifies 'erts' as an application:
>   http://erlang.org/doc/applications.html
> In a project we are working on, we have an application resource file 
> that reads:
>   {application, APP_NAME,
>    [{description, ...},
>     ...
>     {applications, [erts, kernel, stdlib, ...]
>     ...
>    ]}.
> A user informed us that "erts isn't actually an application that can be 
> dependent upon and that having it in the applications list breaks 
> releases".
> I personally consider this a bug, of Erlang/OTP that is, but I will 
> gladly be enlightened why 'erts' is listed as an OTP application but 
> cannot be listed in the application resource file and releases break 
> miserably when one does so.
> Kostis
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