[erlang-questions] trouble creating releases with rebar, apps exit with 'bad_return'

Todd t.greenwoodgeer@REDACTED
Mon Apr 25 06:01:15 CEST 2011

Short version:
When I create a release with rebar, the app dies with 'bad_return'.

Longer version:
(rebar version: 2 date: 20110420_043817 vcs: git bd1475d)

1. I've tried following these two rebar tutorials:


2. Following either set of instructions, I can generate a single app and 
subsequently compile and launch it in the erl shell:

rebar create-app
rebar compile
erl -pa ebin

> application:start(myapp).
> application:stop(myapp).

3. So far, so good. However, things seem to fall apart in the 'rebar -v 
generate' command...but then, I'm not sure what I should be seeing here:

user@REDACTED:~/projects/testing-rebar-03/mysample$ rebar -v generate
DEBUG: Rebar location: "/usr/local/bin/rebar"
DEBUG: Entering /home/user/projects/testing-rebar-03/mysample
DEBUG: Available deps: []
DEBUG: Missing deps  : []
DEBUG: Predirs: ["/home/user/projects/testing-rebar-03/mysample/rel"]
DEBUG: Entering /home/user/projects/testing-rebar-03/mysample/rel
DEBUG: Available deps: []
DEBUG: Missing deps  : []
DEBUG: Predirs: []
==> rel (generate)
DEBUG: Created dir 
INFO:  sh info:
         cwd: "/home/user/projects/testing-rebar-03/mysample/rel"
         cmd: cp -R 
         opts: [{use_stdout,false},return_on_error]
INFO:  sh info:
         cwd: "/home/user/projects/testing-rebar-03/mysample/rel"
         cmd: cp -R 
         opts: [{use_stdout,false},return_on_error]
INFO:  sh info:
         cwd: "/home/user/projects/testing-rebar-03/mysample/rel"
         cmd: cp -R 
         opts: [{use_stdout,false},return_on_error]
INFO:  sh info:
         cwd: "/home/user/projects/testing-rebar-03/mysample/rel"
         cmd: cp -R 
         opts: [{use_stdout,false},return_on_error]
INFO:  sh info:
         cwd: "/home/user/projects/testing-rebar-03/mysample/rel"
         cmd: cp -R 
         opts: [{use_stdout,false},return_on_error]
DEBUG: Postdirs: []
WARN:  'generate' command does not apply to directory 
DEBUG: Postdirs: []

4. However, the true error shows when I try to start the rebar created app:

user@REDACTED:~/projects/testing-rebar-01$ sh rel/mynode/bin/mynode console
-boot /home/user/projects/testing-rebar-01/rel/mynode/releases/1/mynode 
-embedded -config 
-args_file /home/user/projects/testing-rebar-01/rel/mynode/etc/vm.args 
-- console
Root: /home/user/projects/testing-rebar-01/rel/mynode
Erlang R13B04 (erts-5.7.5) [source] [rq:1] [async-threads:5] 

=INFO REPORT==== 19-Apr-2011::22:51:20 ===
     application: myapp
     exited: {bad_return,
     type: permanent
{"Kernel pid 

Crash dump was written to: erl_crash.dump
Kernel pid terminated (application_controller) 

5. I have tried creating and releasing apps via rebar using both sets of 
instructions, on both mac os x, and linux, multiple times... and in all 
cases, I've run into the 'bad_return' when attempting to start the app.

6. I see that this question has been raised before:


5. And the idea was that the app wasn't being compiled (or the compiled 
files couldn't be found). Well, I can see the app being compiled here:

user@REDACTED:~/projects/testing-rebar-01$ rebar compile
==> myapp (compile)
==> rel (compile)
==> testing-rebar-01 (compile)

6. And when I generate the release, it's all new:

user@REDACTED:~/projects/testing-rebar-01$ rm -rf rel/mynode/ && rebar 
generate && sh rel/mynode/bin/mynode console

7. However, the generated release looks suspicious... for one thing, my 
app files are not in the release dir:

user@REDACTED:~/projects/testing-rebar-01$ find . | grep myapp

8. For another thing, my app beam files are not in the release dir, either:

user@REDACTED:~/projects/testing-rebar-01$ find . | grep beam

9. Could someone show me what's supposed to be generated from the rebar 
generate command? Specifically, what files do I need to look at to 
verify that my application files have properly compiled into the release?

10. Also, any hints as to how one should approach this sort of problem, 
debugging hints, etc. are always appreciated.

user@REDACTED:~/projects/testing-rebar-01$ cat rebar.config
{sub_dirs, ["apps/myapp", "rel"]}.
user@REDACTED:~/projects/testing-rebar-01$ cat rel/reltool.config
{sys, [
        {lib_dirs, ["../apps"]},
        {rel, "mynode", "1",
        {rel, "start_clean", "",
        {boot_rel, "mynode"},
        {profile, embedded},
        {excl_sys_filters, ["^bin/.*",
        {app, sasl, [{incl_cond, include}]}

{target_dir, "mynode"}.

{overlay, [
            {mkdir, "log/sasl"},
            {copy, "files/erl", "\{\{erts_vsn\}\}/bin/erl"},
            {copy, "files/nodetool", "\{\{erts_vsn\}\}/bin/nodetool"},
            {copy, "files/mynode", "bin/mynode"},
            {copy, "files/app.config", "etc/app.config"},
            {copy, "files/vm.args", "etc/vm.args"}



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