[erlang-questions] Ubuntu, Erlang, and Laptop Questions

Des Small small@REDACTED
Fri Apr 22 08:14:20 CEST 2011

On Thu, 21 Apr 2011, Eric Merritt wrote:

> Any laptop just about will work. I would suggest you go with something
> that has multiple cores so you get true concurrency off the bat. Just
> about every laptop has that now though.

At the bottom end, I have had occasion to use Erlang on my Asus eee 
netbook with 1 Gb of RAM and a single-core Atom processor.  (You can get 
these for under EUR 200 these days.)

It isn't very fast and I'm very glad it isn't my main development 
environment, but it does work OK and it fits neatly into my handluggage 
for flights.


Des Small,
Scientific Programmer, JIVE
Contact details on http://www.jive.nl/~small

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