[erlang-questions] Quick question about resetting shells
Steve Davis
Mon Apr 18 01:04:01 CEST 2011
My development cycle is:
1) start app in shell
2) change code
3) type make() into the shell
4) test the new code
Take a look at the docs for user_default in the OTP docs. I have a few
useful simple "comfort" calls like this added to my user_default
module (which on my ERL_LIBS path). e.g.
....other useful commands
make() ->
{ok, WorkingDir} = file:get_cwd(),
case file:read_file_info("Emakefile") of
{ok, _} -> io:format("Emake ~p~n", [WorkingDir]);
{error, _} -> io:format("~p~n", [WorkingDir])
On Apr 17, 7:29 am, Jesper Louis Andersen
<jesper.louis.ander...@REDACTED> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 12:06, Dave Challis <d...@REDACTED> wrote:
> > 5. Quit shell, go to 1
> I tend to run the program and then recompile the code with rebar when
> I fix things. Then a single l(Mod) is enough to make Erlang hot-deploy
> the new code into the running system (ah, OTP is nice here). Because
> the code is already running, I can usually see straight away if it
> went well or not based on input to the system from the outside. The
> trick is to get rid of exploratory testing in the erlang shell for
> more than small simple things and then concentrate on automating the
> test process, as Vlad suggests in another mail.
> --
> J.
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