[erlang-questions] iolist type not found by PropEr

James Aimonetti james@REDACTED
Wed Apr 13 20:13:28 CEST 2011

I'm starting to add PropEr testing into my source code and ran into a 
small issue. When testing with the iolist() type, proper:quickcheck/1 

1> proper:quickcheck(iolist_t:prop_iolist_t()).

Error: The typeserver encountered an error: 

The code:




prop_iolist_t() ->
     ?FORALL(IO, iolist(), is_binary(iolist_to_binary(IO))).

This is on R14B01 and the latest PropEr from Github. If I copy/paste the 
typespec from the docs for iolist(), the compiler rightfully complains 
that iolist is already defined.

Aside from this, I'm really enjoying adding PropEr testing. Thanks to 
Kostis & team for all the tools making my Erlang better.

James Aimonetti
Distributed Systems Engineer

2600hz | http://2600hz.com
tel: 415.886.7905

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