[erlang-questions] timing ++ operation

Wes James comptekki@REDACTED
Sat Apr 9 04:55:15 CEST 2011

I have this to produce some data:



s(Str, Cnt) when (Cnt == 0) -> [Str++"0"];
s(Str, Cnt) ->
	[Str++integer_to_list(Cnt)|s(Str, Cnt-1)].

It is run like this:


I then run this to create a test erl file which has a 10000 long
A="a1" ++ "a2" ..... "a10000":



s() ->
	FileName = "plus.erl",
	{ok, Stream} = file:open(FileName, [write]),  %append
	io:format(Stream, "-module(plus).

s() ->

A=\"0\" ", []),

	[io:format(Stream, " ++ ~p", [X])|| X <- R],
	io:format(Stream, ",
{_, Time1} = statistics(runtime),
{_, Time2} = statistics(wall_clock),
U1 = Time1 * 1000,
U2 = Time2 * 1000,
io:format(\"Process time=~~p (~~p) microseconds~~n\", [U1, U2]).
", []),


I then c(plus) and then plus:s(). and the process time and
microseconds are 0.  Is that because the string of ++ items is compile
in to one big string and all the operation does is assign it to A?


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