[erlang-questions] Common test issues - Possible bug?
Mikkel Jensen
Wed Sep 29 11:13:52 CEST 2010
Hi Lukas
First of all, thanks for your response!
I have tried using both run_test and erlang shell to start the tests, both
gives me error i described, although the erlang shell usually seems like its
able to execute more repeated tests than the run_test command.
This is the first test case i'm building with Common Test - I have not made
any other test cases, so i have not experienced this in any other context.
Only when using ct_ssh.
I have been trying to narrow down the test case to find specificly what is
causing the errors, but i have been unable to. However the kinds of tests im
running are not too advanced.
I have made a test-case which imitates the behavior of my "real" test case,
just instead of using cnee for imitating user input, the test subject is a
python script which can be controlled directly from the console. In this
python-test, i have not been able to get the error, not even when repeating
the test 500 times or more.
I hope you can find the time to go through my not-so-minimal test case. As
you can probably see from the code, i am not the most experienced erlang
programmer, and the lack of websites/blogs describing Common Test best
practices and examples makes it very hard to know what i'm doing wrong. The
user guide is great, but can sometimes be a bit hard to understand.
Real test case: http://ideone.com/v6vvu
Python test case: http://ideone.com/GcxR2
% Require the following tags before executing the suite.
% The tags are provided by a config file
suite() ->
[{require, hidenets},
{require, demo},
{require, node1},
{require, node2},
{require, testserver}].
init_per_suite(Config) ->
% Start ssh connections
{ok, Hidenets} = ct_ssh:connect(hidenets),
{ok, Demo} = ct_ssh:connect(demo),
{ok, Node1} = ct_ssh:connect(node1),
{ok, Node2} = ct_ssh:connect(node2),
{ok, Testserver} = ct_ssh:connect(testserver),
% Append handles to config
% OBS: This is not actually used, because of the disconnect issue
[{ssh_handles,{Hidenets,Demo,Node1,Node2,Testserver}} | Config].
end_per_suite(Config) ->
% Disconnect from all handles
Handles = erlang:tuple_to_list(?config(ssh_handles, Config)),
lists:foreach(fun(Handle) -> ct_ssh:disconnect(Handle) end,
init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
% Get ssh handles from config
% {Hidenets, Demo, Node1, Node2, Testserver} = ?config(ssh_handles, Config),
% Start context agent on hidenets (simple console application)
runcmd(hidenets, "./ContextAgentLinux/ContextAgent"),
% Start GUI macro playback
runcmd(hidenets, "export DISPLAY=:0.0 && cnee --replay -f
runcmd(demo, "export DISPLAY=:0.0 && cnee --replay -f
runcmd(node1, "export DISPLAY=:0.0 && cnee --replay -f
runcmd(node2, "export DISPLAY=:0.0 && cnee --replay -f
end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
% Get ssh handles from config
% {Hidenets, Demo, Node1, Node2, Testserver} = ?config(ssh_handles, Config),
% Stop GUY macro playback
runcmd(hidenets, "export DISPLAY=:0.0 && cnee --replay -f
runcmd(demo, "export DISPLAY=:0.0 && cnee --replay -f
runcmd(node1, "export DISPLAY=:0.0 && cnee --replay -f
runcmd(node2, "export DISPLAY=:0.0 && cnee --replay -f
% Stop context agent on hidenets
runcmd(hidenets, "pkill Context"),
% Initialize the testcase
init_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config) ->
% Execute the following after a test case is finished
end_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config) ->
groups() ->
[{migrateTest, [sequence], [migCase1, migCase2]}].
all() ->
% Return a list of all test cases in the suite.
migCase1() ->
migCase2() ->
migCase1(Config) ->
%Hidenets = element(1, ?config(ssh_handles,Config)),
% Arbitrary delay to ensure eclipse + CA is started up and running
ok = timer:sleep(5000),
% Trigger
runcmd(hidenets, "export DISPLAY=:0.0 && cnee --replay -f
ok = timer:sleep(5000),
migCase2(Config) ->
% Hidenets = element(1, ?config(ssh_handles,Config)),
% Arbitrary delay to ensure eclipse + CA is started up and running
ok = timer:sleep(5000),
% Trigger
runcmd(hidenets, "export DISPLAY=:0.0 && cnee --replay -f
ok = timer:sleep(5000),
% Workaround for disconnect issue
runcmd(HandleCfg, Cmd) ->
case ct_ssh:connect(HandleCfg) of
{ok, Handle} ->
case ct_ssh:exec(Handle, Cmd, 3000) of
{ok, Data} -> ok;
{error, _} -> runcmd(HandleCfg, Cmd);
{_, _} -> ok
{error, _} ->
runcmd(HandleCfg, Cmd);
_ ->
runcmd(HandleCfg, Cmd)
suite() ->
% Make SSH and Python settings from config files, sshconfig.cfg
% and pyconfig.cfg, available in the suite
[{require, server},
{require, client1},
{require, client2},
{require, serverSettings},
{require, client1Settings},
{require, client2Settings}].
init_per_suite(Config) ->
% Start ssh connection to server, client1 and client2
{ok, Server} = ct_ssh:connect(server),
{ok, Client1} = ct_ssh:connect(client1),
{ok, Client2} = ct_ssh:connect(client2),
% Append handles to config variable
[{ssh_handles,{Server, Client1, Client2}} | Config].
end_per_suite(Config) ->
% Get ssh handles from config and make them a traversable list
Handles = erlang:tuple_to_list(?config(ssh_handles, Config)),
% Disconnect any active ssh handle
lists:foreach(fun(Handle) -> ct_ssh:disconnect(Handle) end,
init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
% Get ssh handles from config
{Server, Client1, Client2} = ?config(ssh_handles, Config),
% Start python server on server and log stdout
ct_ssh:exec(Server, "python " ++ ct:get_config({serverSettings, serverpy})
++ " -i " ++ ct:get_config({serverSettings, serverip})
++ " -p " ++ ct:get_config({serverSettings, serverport})
++ " >> " ++ ct:get_config({serverSettings, serverlog}),
% Start python client on client1 and log stdout
ct_ssh:exec(Client1, "python " ++ ct:get_config({client1Settings,
++ " -i " ++ ct:get_config({client1Settings, client1ip})
++ " -p " ++ ct:get_config({client1Settings, client1port})
++ " > " ++ ct:get_config({client1Settings, client1log}),
% Start python client on client2 and log stdout
ct_ssh:exec(Client2, "python " ++ ct:get_config({client2Settings,
++ " -i " ++ ct:get_config({client2Settings, client2ip})
++ " -p " ++ ct:get_config({client2Settings, client2port})
++ " > " ++ ct:get_config({client2Settings, client2log}),
end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
% Get ssh handles from config
{Server, Client1, Client2} = ?config(ssh_handles, Config),
% End python server on server
ct_ssh:exec(Server, "python " ++ ct:get_config({serverSettings, commandpy})
++ " -x"),
% End python client on client1
ct_ssh:exec(Client1, "pkill -f 'client.py'"),
% End python client on client2
ct_ssh:exec(Client2, "pkill -f 'client.py'"),
init_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config) ->
end_per_testcase(_TestCase, _Config) ->
groups() ->
% Define sequential group migrateC1, then migrate2
[{migrateTest, [sequence], [migrateC1, migrateC2]}].
all() ->
% Run the whole group when the suite is run
migrateC1() ->
% Do nothing in this testcase info function
migrateC2() ->
% Do nothing in this testcase info function
migrateC1(Config) ->
% Get server handle as it is the only one used in the testcase
Server = element(1, ?config(ssh_handles,Config)),
% Initial delay 2 seconds to assure that the server has been started
ok = timer:sleep(2000),
% Redirect server stream to client1
ct_ssh:exec(Server, "python " ++ ct:get_config({serverSettings, commandpy})
++ " -i " ++ ct:get_config({client1Settings, client1ip})
++ " -p " ++ ct:get_config({client1Settings, client1port})),
% Delay 7 seconds
ok = timer:sleep(7000),
migrateC2(Config) ->
% Get server handle as it is the only one used in the testcase
Server = element(1, ?config(ssh_handles,Config)),
% Redirect server stream to client2
ct_ssh:exec(Server, "python " ++ ct:get_config({serverSettings,
++ " -i " ++ ct:get_config({client2Settings, client2ip})
++ " -p " ++ ct:get_config({client2Settings, client2port})),
% Delay 7 seconds
ok = timer:sleep(7000),
2010/9/27 Lukas Larsson <lukas@REDACTED>
> Hi Mikkel!
> What are you using to run your tests? The run_test command, or are you
> starting them from an erlang shell?
> Also have you seen this problem when not using ct_ssh? or is it only
> when you are doing tests with ssh calls in them?
> If you could provide me with a minimal test suite which reproduces the
> error you are seeing that would be great!
> Regards,
> Lukas, Erlang/OTP, Ericsson AB.
> On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 6:40 PM, Mikkel Jensen <mikkelgj@REDACTED>
> wrote:
> Hi list!
> I have been working on setting up a test case using Erlang
> Common Test. The
> test is pretty simple, it consists of a sequence of calls to
> ct_ssh:exec().
> Running the test once works. Running the test a few times (using
> repeat),
> usually works. But if i let the test suite repeat a large number
> of times,
> it fails after successfully running the test multiple times (In
> my last
> attempt it completed 42 runs, no joke, but it seems like the
> repeated runs
> can stop at any time).
> The error i'm getting is:
> It is not possible to install CT while running in interactive
> mode.
> To exit this mode, run ct:stop_interactive().
> To enter the interactive mode again, run ct:start_interactive()
> Does anyone know how i can avoid this, allowing me to run a
> large number of
> repeated tests?
> On a sidenote: I have noticed in the logs that ct_ssh will
> sometimes have
> lost its connection when trying to call ct_ssh:exec(), and thus
> will attempt
> to reconnect. This attempt will, however, always fail instantly.
> A
> workaround i have made is to manually connect on each call i
> make to
> ct_ssh:exec(). This seems less than ideal, is there a better
> way?
> Kind regards and thanks in advance,
> Mikkel
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