[erlang-questions] Re: limited error_logger dump (vm crashes because of generating dump)

Max Lapshin max.lapshin@REDACTED
Wed Sep 22 06:14:10 CEST 2010

At least, I've removed all native logging: SASL and builtin one.
Changed gen_server to gen_server_ems, which is dumping state, reason
and message not so beautiful, but with io_lib_pretty_limited, which is
a safe rewrite of io_lib_pretty. Fixed log4erl error_handler to dump

Now logging looks much better for me:

=INFO REPORT==== 22-Sep-2010::08:12:50 ===
Starting Erlyvideo ...
Eshell V5.8  (abort with ^G)
=INFO REPORT==== 22-Sep-2010::08:12:50 ===
Loading logger configuration from priv/log4erl.conf
info 2010-09-22 08:12:50.992366 Starting crypto_sup:crypto_server <0.62.0>
info 2010-09-22 08:12:50.994390 ===================== Started
application: crypto =====================
info 2010-09-22 08:12:51.31351 Starting kernel_safe_sup:timer_server <0.74.0>
info 2010-09-22 08:12:51.44217 Starting rtmp_sup:rtmpt_sessions_sup <0.79.0>
info 2010-09-22 08:12:51.44646 Starting rtmp_sup:rtmpt_session_sup <0.80.0>
info 2010-09-22 08:12:51.44996 Starting rtmp_sup:rtmp_socket_sup <0.81.0>
info 2010-09-22 08:12:51.46619 Starting
rtmp_sup:rtmp_stat_collector_sup <0.82.0>
info 2010-09-22 08:12:51.46904 ===================== Started
application: rtmp =====================
info 2010-09-22 08:12:51.49732 <0.2.0> {"Erlyvideo is loading config
from file ~s~n",["priv/erlyvideo.conf"]}
info 2010-09-22 08:12:51.247934 Starting
ems_sup:ems_network_lag_monitor_sup <0.89.0>
info 2010-09-22 08:12:51.252619 Starting ems_sup:shared_objects_sup <0.99.0>
info 2010-09-22 08:12:51.252974 Starting ems_sup:shared_object_sup <0.100.0>
info 2010-09-22 08:12:51.253304 Starting
ems_sup:media_provider_sup_default <0.101.0>
info 2010-09-22 08:12:51.253865 ===================== Started
application: erlyvideo =====================
info 2010-09-22 08:12:51.265251 <0.2.0> {std_info,"Started Erlyvideo"}

And erlyvideo can survive crash of process with 10-200 megabytes of
used memory. Earlier it was a death to system.

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