[erlang-questions] Erlang arithmetics
Morten Krogh
Sat Oct 30 14:55:10 CEST 2010
Hi Dimitry
The results should be the same. That was my point too, so you readers
will get a clearer picture if you keep the code as short as possible.
Anyway, about why erlang is slower?
How did you compile it in erlang?
with or without native?
erlc +native program.erl
On 10/30/10 2:48 PM, Dmitry Demeshchuk wrote:
> Hi, Morten
> You have a point, random numbers aren't necessary. :) My goal was just
> to have some more or less uniform distribution that can be reached
> using randomized data. Of course, another variant was to choose some
> static arithmetic operation.
> To my own defense, I'll say that despite of the random numbers the
> results were very similar, so the difference in numbers didn't affect
> them much. But still you are right, static numbers are a bit more
> reliable.
> However, that doesn't answer the question "why so big difference in
> speed for the two platforms?". It's well-known that Erlang arithmetics
> is slow but I still cannot find a clear answer that describes why
> exactly...
> Hope, some of Erlang fathers will be able to help with this...
> On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 4:37 PM, Morten Krogh<mk@REDACTED> wrote:
>> Hi Dimitry
>> Yes, I first thought that the random number generation was timed as well, so
>> some of my points are irrelevant.
>> But why don't you compare very short programs instead that just loops or
>> recurses on the number N?
>> like this in js:
>> sum = 0;
>> for (i =0; i< 1000000; i++) {
>> sum += 37*i*(i - 5) + i + 23;
>> }
>> and the same in erlang. Do you need the lists of random numbers for your
>> basic arithmetic?
>> Morten.
>> On 10/30/10 2:23 PM, Dmitry Demeshchuk wrote:
>>> On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 12:52 PM, Morten Krogh<mk@REDACTED> wrote:
>>>> Hi Dimitry
>>>> You need to answer a lot of questions before you can even start the
>>>> comparison.
>>>> 1. Should the implementations keep a list of all points, or can they just
>>>> calculate a running sum and discard the points immediately.
>>>> Right now, your erlang solution keeps two lists, and your js program keep
>>>> one object (hash table).
>>> No, garbage collecting time shouldn't be considered, as well as memory
>>> usage. I understand that this isn't very fair (for example, one
>>> platform may be much faster on garbage collecting but slower on
>>> arithmetic operations) but the purpose of the test is to measure some
>>> average productivity of basic arithmetic operations.
>>>> 2. Is parallelizing the computation allowed?. If so, this would give
>>>> erlang
>>>> an edge since you can parallelize this problem by simple message passing.
>>>> That would require more work in js.
>>> No, if I wanted to use it, I would definitely do it. :) But, first of
>>> all, Node.js will have a significant overhead on IPC (to run
>>> multi-core task you'll have to run several processes and communicate
>>> between them). And, that is also important, my goal was to compare
>>> arithmetics abilities, not abilities of parallelizing (where Node will
>>> be extremely slower).
>>>> 3. What types do you want for the points. In erlang you use
>>>> random:uniform(1000) which returns integers, in js Math.random() which
>>>> returns floats.
>>>> The type issue also includes the question of checking for overflow, as
>>>> you mention.
>>> Well, that's why I used Math.floor for JS ;)
>>>> 4. Should the program be short and simple? In the extreme case, the
>>>> erlang
>>>> program could use nifs.
>>> Sure, I could use a port or even a driver. But the subject of interest
>>> is Erlang built-in arithmetics, not C. In my article, I mention that
>>> ports can be used for some expensive operations, but these
>>> calculations will be limited by the port itself then Erlang
>>> performance.
>>>> 5. How should they calculate random numbers? There could be a huge
>>>> difference in speed based on the algorithm of course.
>>>> Actually, I think a speed test between languages should not involve
>>>> random numbers, unless you make sure they use the same random number
>>>> generating algorithm.
>>> As you can see, my tests don't measure random numbers generation time.
>>> Yes, I was going to try using the same pseudo-random generation
>>> algorithm on both platforms for another test (Erlang will use process
>>> dictionary for this, which should slow down the randomizer) but,
>>> again, my subject there is just arithmetic operations.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Morten.
>>>> On 10/30/10 10:03 AM, Dmitry Demeshchuk wrote:
>>>>> Greetings.
>>>>> I'm writing an article comparing Erlang and Node.js and I stumbled
>>>>> upon the performance question.
>>>>> My initial goal was to compare some basic arithmetics speed, like the
>>>>> total distance between randomly distributed points. So, I have written
>>>>> the following code for Erlang:
>>>>> =====================================================
>>>>> -module(arith_speed).
>>>>> -export([
>>>>> test/1
>>>>> ]).
>>>>> test(N) ->
>>>>> L = lists:seq(1, N),
>>>>> [{X0, Y0} | Points] = [{random:uniform(1000),
>>>>> random:uniform(1000)} || _<- L],
>>>>> Now = now(),
>>>>> lists:foldl(fun move_to/2, {0, {X0, Y0}}, Points),
>>>>> timer:now_diff(now(), Now).
>>>>> move_to({X, Y}, {Sum, {X0, Y0}}) ->
>>>>> {Sum + math:sqrt((X - X0) * (X - X0) + (Y - Y0) * (Y - Y0)), {X,
>>>>> Y}}.
>>>>> ======================================================
>>>>> and the following code for Node.js:
>>>>> ======================================================
>>>>> var a = [];
>>>>> for(var i = 0; i< 1000000; i++) {
>>>>> a[i] = {};
>>>>> a[i].x = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
>>>>> a[i].y = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
>>>>> }
>>>>> var sum = 0;
>>>>> var start = (new Date()).valueOf();
>>>>> for(var i = 1; i< 1000000; i++) {
>>>>> var prev = a[i-1];
>>>>> sum += Math.sqrt((a[i].x - prev.x) * (a[i].x - prev.x) + (a[i].y -
>>>>> prev.y) * (a[i].y - prev.y));
>>>>> }
>>>>> var end = (new Date()).valueOf();
>>>>> console.log(end - start);
>>>>> ============================================
>>>>> There was no special tuning for Erlang and Node, both using the latest
>>>>> versions.
>>>>> But "arith_speed:test(1000000)." from Erlang console and "node
>>>>> test.js" have given me very different results: about 413 milliseconds
>>>>> for Erlang and 124 milliseconds for Node. So, the difference was about
>>>>> 4 times! I tried to change the total number of points, and the overall
>>>>> result remained the same.
>>>>> Both Erlang and V8 (Google's engine that is used by Node) use IEEE
>>>>> 754-2008 implementation, so that's not about float type
>>>>> representation. So, for now I have several probable explanations:
>>>>> 1. I've done something wrong and my tests suck (but that may mean that
>>>>> the difference in performance may be even more significant)
>>>>> 2. Erlang uses type overflow check on each computation to determine if
>>>>> it's time to switch from smallint to bigint.
>>>>> 3. Some more reasons that I don't know about or don't consider.
>>>>> Also, I'm still not sure if this kind of test is good for arithmetics
>>>>> comparison. On one side, it uses only pretty basic operations
>>>>> (summing, multiplying and square root) but on the other side it may
>>>>> involve some special computation mechanisms for Erlang that may slow
>>>>> it down.
>>>>> So, any help in this research is very appreciated. I understand that
>>>>> this involves another platform too, but since Erlang appeared to be
>>>>> slower I want to start from it first.
>>>>> Thanks in advance.
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