[erlang-questions] JSON encoding of arrays of arrays

Alessandro Sivieri alessandro.sivieri@REDACTED
Fri Oct 22 10:54:35 CEST 2010

2010/10/22 Bob Ippolito <bob@REDACTED>

> I'm surprised that people are finding it to be complicated. A list of
> lists is literally an erlang list with erlang lists in it. It looks
> like the documentation does need some improvement though, it's only
> really obvious if you use it or if you read through the data types.
Well, maybe the documentation of mochijson2 is not *that* good (no offense
here), I mean a couple of examples should be added I think. Also, the best
API would be the one that takes the standard Erlang types (for example a
list of lists) and produces a json, without the "struct" thing; I think
there was a project like that somewhere on the Net, but it did not work with

Sivieri Alessandro

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