Extracting detailed information from TypEr/Dialyzer
Vance Shipley
Tue Oct 19 19:51:44 CEST 2010
I went down this road ten years ago. At the time I was constantly
diagraming my FSMs to reason about them and diagnose problems. I
decided I needed to automate that process. The result:
Unfortunately the links to attachments in the above don't seem to work.
I have attached the code I used for this however I haven't used it in
many year so your mileage may vary. It was also fairly dependent on
coding style.
On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 09:00:00AM +0200, Torben Hoffmann wrote:
} I want to extract the following information from a gen_fsm:
} - all the states
} - the incoming events
} - possible next states
} Has anybody been down this road before me? If so, do you have some insights
} to share?
-------------- next part --------------
%% graph_fsm.erl
%% Author: Vance Shipley, Motivity Telecom Inc. <vances@REDACTED>
%% Date: November, 2000
%% This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
%% modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
%% License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
%% version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
%% version.
%% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%% GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
%% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
%% Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
%% Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
%% Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% This module creates a graph description file, suitable for use with
%% dot, describing the gen_fsm behaviour source file given. The output
%% file can be fed to dot and friends to automatically create a
%% postscript/gif %% picture of the state transitions within your state
%% machine.
%% Get dot at http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz.
%% Ouput is to a file named 'file.dot' where 'file.erl' is the source file
%% Run the resulting graph specification file through dot:
%% dot -Tgif file.dot > file.gif
%% or dot -Tps file.dot > file.ps
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% set tabstops to 3 (in vi :set tabstop=3)
-export([parse/1, parse/2]).
% change these to set the font size in the output
-define(FONT_GRAPH, 18).
-define(FONT_EDGE, 10).
parse(File) when atom(File) ->
% construct the full filename
Filename = atom_to_list(File) ++ ".erl",
Includes = filename:dirname(filename:absname(Filename)),
parse(Filename, [Includes]);
parse(File) when list(File) ->
% construct the full filename
Base = filename:basename(File, ".erl"),
Filename = Base ++ ".erl",
Includes = filename:dirname(filename:absname(Filename)),
parse(Filename, [Includes]).
parse(File, Includes) when atom(File) ->
% construct the full filename
Filename = atom_to_list(File) ++ ".erl",
parse(Filename, Includes);
parse(File, Includes) ->
% construct the full filename
Base = filename:basename(File, ".erl"),
Filename = Base ++ ".erl",
{ok, Form} = epp:parse_file(Filename, Includes, []),
% make sure it has gen_fsm behavior
case get_attribute(Form, behaviour) of
{behaviour, gen_fsm} -> true;
{behaviour, _} ->
exit({error, 'wrong behaviour'});
not_found ->
exit({error, 'no behaviour'})
% get the module name
{module, Module} = get_attribute(Form, module),
% open a file to write the graph named after the module
{ok, IoDevice} = file:open(Base ++ ".dot", write),
% write the header for the graph
io:fwrite(IoDevice, "digraph ~w {~n", [Module]),
% set the label for the graph and it's fontsize
io:fwrite(IoDevice, " label=\"~w\";~n fontsize=~w;~n",
[Module, ?FONT_GRAPH]),
% get the list of exported functions
{export, Exports} = get_attribute(Form, export),
% parse the exported functions
parse_exports(Form, IoDevice, Exports),
% close the graph file
% return the base name of the file written
{ok, filename:basename(Filename, ".erl")}.
% find the value of a given attribute
get_attribute(Form, Attribute) ->
get_attribute(Form, Attribute, []).
get_attribute([], Attribute, Values) -> {Attribute, Values};
get_attribute([H|T], Attribute, Values) ->
% get the attribute's value
case H of
{attribute, _Line, Attribute, Value} ->
get_attribute(T, Attribute, lists:append(Values, Value));
{eof, _Line} ->
{Attribute, Values};
_ ->
get_attribute(T, Attribute, Values)
% ignore the callbacks which don't represent states
parse_exports(Form, IoDevice, [{init,_}|T]) ->
parse_exports(Form, IoDevice, T);
parse_exports(Form, IoDevice, [{handle_event,_}|T]) ->
parse_exports(Form, IoDevice, T);
parse_exports(Form, IoDevice, [{handle_sync_event,_}|T]) ->
parse_exports(Form, IoDevice, T);
parse_exports(Form, IoDevice, [{handle_info,_}|T]) ->
parse_exports(Form, IoDevice, T);
parse_exports(Form, IoDevice, [{terminate,_}|T]) ->
parse_exports(Form, IoDevice, T);
parse_exports(Form, IoDevice, [{code_change,_}|T]) ->
parse_exports(Form, IoDevice, T);
% state handlers should have two or three arguments
parse_exports(Form, IoDevice, [{StateName, Arity}|T])
when Arity < 4, Arity > 1 ->
% get the function's Abstract Form
case get_function(Form, StateName, Arity) of
{StateName, Arity, Function} ->
parse_function(IoDevice, StateName, Function),
parse_exports(Form, IoDevice, T);
not_found ->
% the function doesn't exist, ignore
parse_exports(Form, IoDevice, T)
% we'll ignore anything which doesn't fit the above
parse_exports(Form, IoDevice, [_H|T]) ->
parse_exports(Form, IoDevice, T);
% an empty list means we're done, close up shop
parse_exports(_Form, IoDevice, []) ->
% write out the closing stuff to the graph file
io:fwrite(IoDevice, "}~n", []).
% retrieve a function's AbsForm by name
get_function([], _, _) -> not_found;
get_function([H|T], FunctionName, Arity) ->
case H of
{function, _Line, FunctionName, Arity, Function} ->
{FunctionName, Arity, Function};
{eof, _Line} ->
_ ->
get_function(T, FunctionName, Arity)
% parse_function(IoDevice, StateName, [])
% this clause matches if the event is bound to a variable
% e.g idle(Event, StateData) ->
parse_function(IoDevice, StateName,
[{clause,_Line,[{var,_Le,EventVar}|_], Guard, Body} | Clauses]) ->
case find_nextstate(Body) of
{var, NextStateVar} ->
% state handler returns a variable, we'll have to find
% out where it was defined (assuming in a case statement)
case get_case(EventVar, Body) of
{ok, Case} ->
parse_case(IoDevice, StateName, NextStateVar, Case);
not_found ->
io:fwrite("A state handler [~w] clause returns a variable "
"[~s] we assumed it was in a case statement but could "
"not find one.~n", [StateName, NextStateVar]),
{error, 'no case found'}
{atom, NextState} ->
% state handler returns a hard coded atom
case parse_guard(Guard) of
[] ->
% there was no guard label created so this must be a
% catch all for undefined events which we name "*" as
% is done in SDL
write_line(IoDevice, StateName, NextState, {atom,0,'*'}, []);
GuardLabel ->
write_line(IoDevice, StateName, NextState, [], GuardLabel)
% we'll look for a case as well as there may be more returns
case get_case(EventVar, Body) of
{ok, Case} ->
parse_case(IoDevice, StateName, NextState, Case);
not_found ->
% none found so ignore
not_found ->
% there must be a case statement which has immediate returns
case get_case(EventVar, Body) of
{ok, Case} ->
parse_case(IoDevice, StateName, bogosity, Case);
% must not be a state handler at all, ignore
not_found -> ok
parse_function(IoDevice, StateName, Clauses);
% this clause matches if the event is matched against a variable
% e.g. idle(Event = {foo, bar}, StateData) ->
parse_function(IoDevice, StateName,
[{clause, Line, [{match,_,{var,_,_EventVar},EventForm}|T], Guard, Body}
| Clauses]) ->
parse_function(IoDevice, StateName, [{clause, Line, [EventForm|T], Guard,
Body} | Clauses]);
% this clause matches if the event is a term
% e.g. idle(foo, StateData) ->
% or idle({foo, bar}, StateData) ->
parse_function(IoDevice, StateName,
[{clause,_Line,[EventForm|_], Guard, Body} | Clauses]) ->
case find_nextstate(Body) of
{atom, NextState} ->
% we now know what we need to know
write_line(IoDevice, StateName, NextState, EventForm,
not_found-> none % must not be a state handler at all, ignore
parse_function(IoDevice, StateName, Clauses);
% if the clause list is empty then we're done
parse_function(_IoDevice, _StateName, []) -> ok;
% any other function is not a state handler
parse_function(_,_,_) -> ok.
% parse a clause guard
% no guard
parse_guard([]) -> [];
parse_guard([Guard]) ->
io:fwrite("Guard=~p~n", [Guard]),
parse_guard([], Guard).
% this case handles tests on record fields, probably StateData
% e.g. idle(Event, StateData) when StateData#statedata.t3 > 0 ->
parse_guard([], [{op,_,Operator,{record_field,_,_,_,{_,_,Field}},
{_,_,Value}}|T]) ->
NewLabel = io_lib:write(Field) ++ atom_to_list(Operator)
++ io_lib:write(Value),
parse_guard(NewLabel, T);
% this case handles further tests on record fields
parse_guard(Label, [{op,_,Operator,{record_field,_,_,_,{_,_,Field}},
{_,_,Value}}|T]) ->
NewLabel = "," ++ io_lib:write(Field) ++ atom_to_list(Operator)
++ io_lib:write(Value),
parse_guard(Label ++ NewLabel, T);
% this case handles BIF guard tests on record fields, probably StateData
parse_guard([], [{call,_,{atom,_,Test},
[{record_field,_,_,_,{atom,_,Value}}]}|T]) ->
NewLabel = io_lib:write(Test) ++ "(" ++ io_lib:write(Value) ++ ")",
parse_guard(NewLabel, T);
% this case handles further BIF guard tests on record fields
parse_guard(Label, [{call,_,{atom,_,Test},
[{record_field,_,_,_,{atom,_,Value}}]}|T]) ->
NewLabel = "," ++ io_lib:write(Test) ++ "(" ++ io_lib:write(Value) ++ ")",
parse_guard(Label ++ NewLabel, T);
parse_guard(Label, []) -> Label;
% this case handles further BIF guard tests on record fields
parse_guard(Label, [{call,_,{atom,_,Test},
[{record_field,_,_,_,{atom,_,Value}}]}|T]) ->
NewLabel = "," ++ io_lib:write(Test) ++ "(" ++ io_lib:write(Value) ++ ")",
parse_guard(Label ++ NewLabel, T);
parse_guard(Label, []) -> Label.
% find the case statement which operates on the passed (Event) variable
get_case(EventVar, [H | T]) ->
case H of
{'case',_,{var,_,EventVar},Body} ->
{ok, Body};
_ ->
get_case(EventVar, T)
get_case(_EventVar, []) -> not_found.
% find the name of the variable which will be used for next_state
find_nextstate([H|T]) ->
case H of
% we're looking for a gen_fsm defined return value
{tuple,_,[{atom,_,next_state},{var,_,NextState},_|_]} ->
{var, NextState};
{tuple,_,[{atom,_,next_state},{atom,_,NextState},_|_]} ->
{atom, NextState};
{tuple,_,[{atom,_,stop},{atom,_,_NextState},_]} ->
{atom, stop};
_ ->
find_nextstate([]) -> not_found.
% cycle through all the clauses in the case statement
% this clause applies when the event is bound to a variable
% which would be a catchall case which we name as "*" like in SDL
parse_case(IoDevice, StateName, NextStateVar,
[{clause, _, [{var, _, _EventVar}], _Guard, Body} | T]) ->
case get_match(IoDevice, StateName, {atom,0,'*'}, NextStateVar, Body) of
ok ->
parse_case(IoDevice, StateName, NextStateVar, T);
not_found ->
{error, 'no case found'}
% in this clause we catch atoms being matched against the event
% which should be the normal case and represent the event name
parse_case(IoDevice, StateName, NextStateVar,
[{clause, _, [EventForm], _Guard, Body} | T]) ->
case get_match(IoDevice, StateName, EventForm, NextStateVar, Body) of
ok ->
parse_case(IoDevice, StateName, NextStateVar, T);
not_found ->
{error, 'no case found'}
parse_case(_IoDevice, _StateName, _NextStateVar, []) -> ok.
% find the place where the specified (NextStateVar) variable is assigned
get_match(IoDevice, StateName, EventForm, NextStateVar, [H|T]) ->
case H of
% we previously determined what variable name is used in the
% return from this state handler so we will look to see where
% it is bound
{match, _, {var, _, NextStateVar}, {atom, _, NextState}} ->
% ... and finally we do the real work!
write_line(IoDevice, StateName, NextState, EventForm, []);
{tuple,_,[{atom,_,next_state},{atom,_,NextState},_|_]} ->
% hmmm ... they didn't use the variable after all
write_line(IoDevice, StateName, NextState, EventForm, []);
_ ->
get_match(IoDevice, StateName, EventForm, NextStateVar, T)
get_match(_IoDevice, _StateName, _EventForm, _NextStateVar, []) -> not_found.
% write out the spec line to the file
write_line(IoDevice, StateName, NextState, {atom,_,'*'}, []) ->
io:fwrite(IoDevice, " ~w -> ~w [label=\"*\", fontsize=~w];~n",
[StateName, NextState, ?FONT_EDGE]);
write_line(IoDevice, StateName, NextState, {atom,_,'*'}, Guard) ->
io:fwrite(IoDevice, " ~w -> ~w [label=\"*\\n[~s]\", fontsize=~w];~n",
[StateName, NextState, Guard, ?FONT_EDGE]);
write_line(IoDevice, StateName, NextState, EventForm, []) ->
io:fwrite(IoDevice, " ~w -> ~w [label=\"~w\", fontsize=~w];~n",
[StateName, NextState, normalize(EventForm), ?FONT_EDGE]);
write_line(IoDevice, StateName, NextState, EventForm, Guard) ->
io:fwrite(IoDevice, " ~w -> ~w [label=\"~w\\n[~s]\", fontsize=~w];~n",
[StateName, NextState, normalize(EventForm), Guard, ?FONT_EDGE]).
normalize({tuple,_,Tuple}) -> list_to_tuple(normalize(Tuple));
normalize(AbsTerm = {bin,_,_}) ->
normalize({_,_,Term}) -> Term;
normalize([H|T]) -> [normalize(H)|normalize(T)];
normalize([]) -> [].
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