Dialyzer crash

Alexey Romanov alexey.v.romanov@REDACTED
Fri Oct 8 15:38:01 CEST 2010

I've got this error when trying to run dialyzer (from R14B) on my project:

aromanov@REDACTED:~/workspace/gm-controller$ dialyzer --verbose
--build_plt --output_plt dialyzer/gmcontroller_1.plt -r ebin
  Compiling some key modules to native code... done in 1m41.75s
  Creating PLT dialyzer/gmcontroller_1.plt ...
=ERROR REPORT==== 8-Oct-2010::17:29:59 ===
Error in process <0.2602.0> with exit value:

dialyzer: Analysis failed with error:
Last messages in the log cache:
  Typesig analysis for SCC: [{server_protocol_client,handle_call,3}]
  Typesig analysis for SCC: [{config,read_file,1}]
  Typesig analysis for SCC: [{config,merge_with_file,2}]
  Typesig analysis for SCC: [{config,read,1}]
  Typesig analysis for SCC: [{device,hardware_capabilities_test,0}]
  Typesig analysis for SCC: [{gmc_root_sup,init,1}]
  Typesig analysis for SCC: [{gmcontroller,start,2}]
  Typesig analysis for SCC: [{messages,recv,3}]
  Typesig analysis for SCC: [{messages,send,4}]
  Typesig analysis for SCC: [{server_protocol_client,do_request_play_lists,5}]

I am not sure in what order the log messages are given, but both
handle_call and do_request_play_lists specifications look fine to me
and are accepted by the compiler:

-spec do_request_play_lists(target_id(), [p_date()], key(), ivec(), ivec()) ->
		{ivec(), ivec()}.

-spec handle_call(any(), pid(), state()) -> handle_call_return(state()).

--verbose option (which is listed in dialyzer --help) also doesn't
seem particularly useful here (there is quite a bit of time before the
error comes up). Any ideas how the error can be fixed?

Yours, Alexey Romanov

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