[erlang-questions] high-volume logging via a gen_server
Hynek Vychodil
Mon Oct 4 17:38:03 CEST 2010
On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 1:57 PM, Dan Kelley <djk121@REDACTED> wrote:
> I'm relatively new to erlang. I've been working on a simple router which
> connects to external servers which speak different protocols. When the
> router gets a packet, it decodes it, figures out the destination channel,
> encapsulates it in that channel's required format, and sends it along. This
> all works fine.
> I have a pretty standard-looking supervision tree setup for the processes
> which make up the router app. One of the processes is a gen_server which
> handles the logging for the overall app. It provides a simple interface
> (log:info(), log:debug(), etc) to the app. When clients use that
> interface, they end up using gen_server:cast to send the logging process a
> log line. I've moved as much of the CPU load as I can out to the functional
> interface so it's paid by the callers and not the logging process.
> Inside the logging gen_server, I'm not doing anything smarter than using
> io:format to write to disk:
> logit(Timestamp, FromPid, RequestId, LevelStr, Category, MessageKey,
> LogString, State) ->
> io:format(State#state.log_device,
> "~s,~s,rock,~s,~p,~s,~s,~s,~s,~s~n", [Timestamp,
> State#state.unix_pid,
> State#state.hostname,
> FromPid,
> LevelStr,
> RequestId,
> Category,
> MessageKey,
> LogString]).
> When I do performance tests of the overall app, it's invariably the logging
> process which is the limiting factor of the overall system. Usually what
> happens is that the mailbox for the process accumulates several hundred
> thousand messages, which causes the size of the VM to bloat until the host
> starts swapping. (I understand that I could use gen_server:call to make the
> logging synchronous, but that'd slow down all of the transactions, which I'd
> like to avoid if I can.)
> I'm pretty sure that the underlying disk is not saturated - I'm just not
> getting that many Mb of log data. My guess is that the single erlang
> process that the logging gen_server is using just can't both read from its
> mailbox and write to disk fast enough to keep up.
> So, what are good strategies to cope with a large incoming volume of
> messages that all need to wind up in the same logfile? Is there a more
> efficient way to write to disk than the simple io:format() call than I'm
> using above? What's a good way to parallelize the logging over multiple
> processes but keep all of the information in one file?
> Thanks,
> Dan
The issue is that io:format/1,2,3 is synchronous call. Once message
queue starts grow, this call becomes slower and slower and things goes
wrong. It is spiral of death. Solution is change your code to
asynchronous IO. See
http://erlang.org/doc/apps/stdlib/io_protocol.html for more info.
It can be this simple:
logit(Timestamp, FromPid, RequestId, LevelStr, Category, MessageKey,
LogString, State) ->
State#state.log_device ! {io_request, self(), log, {put_chars,
io_lib, format, [
"~s,~s,rock,~s,~p,~s,~s,~s,~s,~s~n", [Timestamp,
logit(Timestamp, FromPid, RequestId, LevelStr, Category, MessageKey,
LogString, State) ->
State#state.log_device ! {io_request, self(), log, {put_chars,
"~s,~s,rock,~s,~p,~s,~s,~s,~s,~s~n", [Timestamp,
And not forget catch {io_reply, log, Reply} in handle_info.
But if you want avoid as much bottleneck as possible you can of course
send this message from processes so then all values what you need
centrally read from ets optimized for read locks.
then just perform formating in caller and send it to io_server read
from this ets and for better performance let some garbage process
receive {io_reply, log, Reply}. (Don't forget that you can't use raw
io_server in this mode if I remember right.)
--Hynek (Pichi) Vychodil
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