Error inserting record into Mnesia

Chris Hicks silent_vendetta@REDACTED
Mon May 31 04:55:22 CEST 2010

Can anyone point out to me what might be going wrong with the following code? I can't figure out why I keep getting the bad_type error.
-record(active_entity, {id=undefined, components=[], debug_components=[]}).
19> Act = #active_entity{}.#active_entity{id = undefined,components = [],               debug_components = []}20> mnesia:create_table(active_entity, [{ram_copies, [node()]}, {type, ordered_set}]).                              {atomic,ok}21> mnesia:dirty_write(active_entity, Act).                                      ** exception exit: {aborted,                       {bad_type,                           #active_entity{                               id = undefined,components = [],                               debug_components = []}}}     in function  mnesia:abort/1 		 	   		  
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