Announce: T-Build updated

Peter-Henry Mander phmander@REDACTED
Tue May 25 11:47:09 CEST 2010

Hi everyone,

I have uploaded a revised T-Mobile Erlang build system onto Googlecode:

The rambling pile of scripts has been reduced to a single Makefile
(158 lines when stripped of comments and redundant spaces). All that
is required is GNUmake 3.81 (the latest), and BSD flavour 'sed' and
'tr' ('hostname', 'which' and 'date' are not essential, and can be
removed from the Makefile). It works on Linux, Solaris10 and Mac OSX.

Using --jobs is highly recommended. It is very, very fast. Makefile is
the Other Concurrent Programming Language!

There is an additional script to reload freshly compiled beams into
Erlang runtimes with -sname matching the names of the releases.

Please send me your comments, bug reports and feature requests.


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