[erlang-questions] ODBC Crashing

Henning Diedrich hd2010@REDACTED
Sat May 15 02:02:58 CEST 2010

Brady, could you give me a tip on where to find the sources you are 
talking about, if they are open?

I'd like to take a look how they handle decimals.


Brady McCary wrote:
> erlang-questions,
> The odbc port process is crashing. The system is erlang R13B04 on
> windows. Database is MSSQL. I am almost certain that the crash has to
> do with parsing/marshaling of decimal types, e.g.,
> Sql = "exec dbo.foo bar = ?",
> Bar = {{sql_decimal, 19, 6}, "123.456"},
> odbc:param_query(Ref, Sql, [Bar])
> Note that precision is greater or equal to 16 so that the odbc port
> driver will probably be handling them as strings (according to the
> documentation). The crash is intermittent, i.e., if Bar is fixed, then
> the call will succeed more often than not. The need is not pressing
> b/c we have switched from using {sql_decimal, P, S} to {sql_varchar,
> N} b/c MSSQL parses the decimal out of the varchar fine for our
> purposes.
> Brady
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